Chapter 51: Tension

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Song// Messed Up by Daniel Ceaser Type Beat
Highly recommended//put on repeat

Your POV
Your eyes fluttered open as your eyes began slowly making your surrounding more in focus. You took a deep breath before sitting up in the bed. You looked to the side of you and saw an empty spot where Ethan's body used to lay.

Despite the overwhelming amount of guilt that was inside of you, you still managed to let out a sheepish smile.

Memories from last night flooded your mind; making you wish you could relive them again.

The way Ethan held you close to him, as if you were so fragile, the smallest movement would cause you to break.

The way he kissed you and the way he smiled at you. The way you two made such intense eye contact.

But most importantly, you craved his embrace. The way he cuddled you, despite his tired state afterwards, he made sure that you felt loved; wanted. You longed for him so much it was almost an addiction.

You sighed and flipped your hair to the side as you got up from your comfortable position. You grabbed the blanket that was laying on your bed, and wrapped it around your petite body.

Your feet shuffled against the hardwood floor as you tiredly made your way to the in-room bathroom. Your legs were sore, along with your hips. You turned the light on and stood in front of the mirror; removing the blanket from your bare body to examine the marks Ethan left.

Hickeys were formed on your abdomen and lower chest area. You were certain that if Veronica were to catch you in any revealing piece of clothing, she'd see right away.

Luckily for you, the majority of the clothes you bring were T-shirts and shorts. There was a dress or two in your suitcase in the event of there being a date between you and Anthony. So you were fine, clothing wise.

But what about baiting suits?

Veronica loves the ocean, she'll want to swim all day; especially with you. Her best friend.

You sure as hell didn't treat her as your best friend though.

You can't even use the pathetic excuse of loving him first; she knew him before you did. Even if she didn't, you still did something unspeakable.

You slept with your best friends boyfriend.

And you have the audacity to smile.

The audacity to examine the evidence of adultery.

The audacity to even be able to look at yourself in the mirror.

The audacity to want him in your arms again.

You felt your heart sink with guilt and quickly covered yourself with the blanket. You walked back into the bedroom and picked your clothes off the floor; placing them in a hamper you brought with you.

You zipped open your suitcase and pulled out a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized pajama T-shirt. When you were certain you were done, you exited your room and made your way downstairs.

"Morning!" Veronica chimed as you walked into the kitchen.

Your nose was instantly overwhelmed with the scent of bacon and pancakes. You looked over to where the stove was, and saw a shirtless Anthony cooking breakfast. You looked back to Veronica and saw her give you a wicked smirk. You smiled back.

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