Chapter 45: Service

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Song// Sorrow by Sleeping At Last
Highly recommended//put on repeat

Your POV
You checked your appearance in the small mirror above the bathroom sink and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You applied a small amount of nude lipstick to your plump lips and let out a sigh.

Sean's funeral service is today, and you knew it wasn't going to be easy for Lisa and her kids.

Especially not after what you're about to do.

You checked your mascara and rubbed your lips together; allowing the makeup to blend in. You quickly grabbed your keys and walked downstairs.

"Ready?" Grayson asked as you entered the kitchen.

"You can go ahead, I still need to get some stuff from the store." You said to him as you continued walking towards the front door.

"I'll see you there." He said loud enough for me to hear before I closed the door behind me; traveling to my car.

Once I hopped in, I jammed my keys into the ignition and roared my car to life. I backed out of the driveway and began traveling to my actual destination.

To meet up with Aubrey.

(Okay if you don't remember who Aubrey is, she's y/n's moms friend who has a country accent and is supposed to remind you guys of Veronica. Continuing.)

Ethan's POV
"Dude it's been 20 minutes, where is she?" I frustratedly asked while running my hands through my combed hair.

"She said for me to just go. That she had to grab a few things from the store first." Grayson shrugged.

"It's about to start, I can't do this without her!" I shouted.

"Maybe the lines are just long, or she ran into traffic." He tried to calm me down.

"No, I know her; she's not coming." I scoffed.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"I told her about Elizabeth, Grayson. She doesn't want anything to do with me." I shook my head, feeling my eyes begin to well up with tears.

"That doesn't mean she won't come, maybe she's just r-"

"Just stop, Grayson!" I let out a frustrated sigh.

I rubbed my face with my large hands as I felt my heart begin to beat out of my chest. Grayson walked closer to me and embraced me into a hug.

"I can't do this without her, I can't." I said choking back the tears.

"Ethan, I know you're upset, but today isn't about anything besides remembering our father as the amazing man he was. Please, just put aside this whole thing. Just for today." He mumbled.

"I just keep replaying that day over in my head. The rain matched my mood so perfectly. It was like a movie." I scoffed.

"Rain?" Grayson asked, letting go of my grip.

"Ethan, it wasn't raining that day. It was like, 74 degrees." He said scrunching his eyebrows at me.

"Guys, it's starting." Cameron said, coming out of nowhere.

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