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- Alex's POV -

Alex, Nyssa, Marie, and Juliet were in a shop that sold gym equipment. Alex didn't bother looking at the name, considering the fact that he was too busy trying to remember if Juliet's hair had always been that length.

It looked shorter, and he didn't like it.

She didn't look the same.

He could've sworn that her hair used to be mid-waist length, but now it was a little shorter. Like she trimmed it or something.

Marie happily pushed the yellow cart and stood in front of the cashier. "We're done!"

The cashier, a really old man who looked like he was about seventy five, snorted at Marie's enthusiasm. "How exciting."

Nyssa and Juliet glared at the man for mocking Marie.

The man, simply, did not give a shit.

Nyssa put the yoga mat and the large dumbbells on the counter and said flatly, "that'll be all."

The old man, who's tag said Richard, looked Alex from top to bottom. "Son, I'd suggest you go for heavier dumbbells. You have a solid figure. Heavier dumbbells would be of greater use to you."

Marie interrupted politely, "oh no, no sir! I think you've mistaken the situation. The dumbbells are for me."

Rick blinked. Looked at her small frame. Laughed a little. "Oh, I don't think so honey."

Juliet growled at him, "what's that supposed to mean?"

She was going to rip his throat out if he didn't shut up soon.

The old man scanned the dumbbells and handed the receipt to Alex, who quietly paid. Richard shrugged. "She's a girl. And a small one at that. Women are frail and very delicate - using dumbbells of this weight are too much for this young lady over here."

Nyssa sweetly said, "it's 2019. You're what - seventy? Eighty?" She stared at him boldly. "Grow the fuck up, you sexist old man. Then again, I think you're pretty much done growing." She stormed out of the store. Marie jogged after a pissed off Nyssa.

Richard looked a little offended, and sniffed, "I know I'm right. Women are breakable."

Juliet smiled at him sweetly. "The only thing breakable in this store is your hip, Richard."


Alex wanted to smirk at Rick right now.

That's my girl -

No. No she's not. Alex shook his head.

Instead of saying something more to the man, he simply strolled by his counter and walked after Juliet's loud laugh and gold hair.

- Juliet's POV -

"What?" Juliet snapped. Alex had been staring at her the entire evening, and while she enjoyed the attention, it was starting to get a little creepy and irritating.

He shook his head and looked back at his dinner, continuing to eat it.

"No, tell me," Juliet demanded.

"You cut your hair," he murmured quietly. Almost sulking.

Juliet blinked, and seemed shocked for a second. The others were too busy engrossed bantering with each other, making plans for the coming weekend. It's like they all barely survived just to live to the fullest when it was a weekend.

"How did you notice? I only trimmed it." 

He shrugged lightly. "I just did."

She shook her head at him and mumbled a little insecurely, "No one noticed my haircut today."
She cleared her throat, and straightened up a bit, as if remembering that she was supposed to be strong.

He said, "well, I did," and went back to his food.

Juliet gave him a look, but soon joined in the banter with the others.

~ the following weekend ~

The crew walked out of their English class with relief and delight. They had all done their assignment well, and answered all of the questions the teacher asked.

She gave them all As, except for Cain. He got a C, which he was still proud of. ("Atleast I didn't fail like I thought I would.")

"Let's celebrate!" Cain suggested enthusiastically.

Nyssa and Adam looked at each other. "We can't. Our mom needs us for something."

"For what?"

"Just some dress fitting," Adam answered. "For this party tomorrow."

Juliet looked at them, stared. "What party?"

"Just some party," Adam replied, looking uncomfortable.

"It's their birthday," Nathan said drily.

Cain gasped. "I knew I had forgotten someone's birthday!"

Juliet turned to give him a look.

He shrugged sheepishly. "I felt as though I was expecting someone's birthday party but I didn't know whose. Typically," he glared at Adam and Nyssa, "they invite their best friends."

Nyssa rolled her eyes. "This time, mum wants to have her fun. Would you want to go to a lame old party that has jazz music and snooty old people dressed in dramatic gowns while you sit there talking to my nosey relatives?"

Juliet paused. "Well, I'm assuming there'll be free food."

Nyssa looked at Juliet incredulously. "You're kidding me."

Marie grinned at Nyssa. "Looks like we're coming!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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