why tf are u reading this crap

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my book has 494848389348 typos and grammatical errors and plot holes and the fact that u guys are reading this is giving me anxiety.

I'm not satisfied w the book just yet and y'all are out here reading it and stuff like skfhsjsksks why why why I'm getting so nervous.

but,, I admit the attention has spurred me on to edit. which isn't surprising because come on, who doesn't feel motivated by validation? so I edited 3 chapters today. maybe I'll continue. idk. we'll see, maybe if I'm feeling sexy enough I'll edit the whole book by this coming weekend. no promises.

what I find a little funny is that I wrote this when I was 14 and now I'm almost 17 and just,,, idk?? I never thought I'd write a book??? a book some of you seem to actually like and what not????? wild.

the book was initially meant to be about juliet and she was supposed to represent how lonely I used to feel at the time, but towards the end it became about Alex and how I dreamed of dating someone like that, someone not-complicated and loving and smart. a few characters disappeared, as most friendships do, and that's okay. a few characters became irrelevant, but that's okay too.

ok you know what??? no matter how garbage i find my own book, i hope you liked it <33


Update: i lied guys juliet didnt represent me ALEX represented me cant believe it took me this long to realise that

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