Chapter 2: A New Reason to keep going

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Error's POV

*Beep Beep*-

I grabbed my phone pressing the 'stop' button on the screen, I sit up stretching as my spine popped. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me making my way to the bathroom with my red pirate towel and my clothes, a red T-shirt with a skull on it, black ripped jeans, red Jordan shoes, I'm ready for a new day.

I turn on the light, brush my teeth, turn on the shower, strip off my clothes, step in and do my business.

To be quite honest with myself...I've been looking forward to going to school ever since Ink and Fresh came here to MT Ebbot, why did my brother leave?

Well Fresh left this old town to a city to his dream school he always wanted to go to, but now my little brother came back and not only that, I meet a pretty nice skeleton who's been Fresh's old friend who's new in this town.

I turn off the shower, grab my towel, dry myself, put my clothes on including my shoes, I opened the door as the steam escapes and left going downstairs.


Geno's POV

I heard footsteps by the stairs, I looked up while cooking breakfast. I jumped surprised to see Error up and awake and ready for school, staring at me with a smile?

"Oh! Good morning Error! Sorry you scared me...I thought you were Fresh." I said as I went back to cooking.

'Usually, I have to drag him out of bed and he's always grumpy waking up this early.' I thought.

"Good morning Geno." Error said with a smile as he sat on his chair on the small round dining table.

"Hey broski's!" Fresh said with a big smile, I smile back at my two brothers. I haven't seen them in such a good mood since our mother passed away.

I placed the 2 waffles on Fresh's plate, 4 chocolate chip waffle's on Error's plates and only two on mine with bacon on each plate then I placed the plate on the table and sat on my seat with my breakfast in front of me.

We talked just like old times. I missed moments like this when we were kids, when our mom would yell from the kitchen "wakey eggs and Bakey!" and we would race downstairs to the kitchen to the dinner table.

I'm glad things are looking up.


Ink's POV

My phone went off, I opened my sockets, Skipper flapping his small little wings excitedly and he chirps and bobs his head up and down.

"Good morning Skipper!" I Said, Sitting up from my bed my feet slipping into my brown and white bunny slippers, I walk to my small fridge and opening to get Skip's breakfast strawberries, lettuce (his favorite), and sliced apples and banana, and last but not least mango.

I placed it inside his cage as he flew to his perch and flew to his silver dish and began eating.

I walk to my closet looking for something to wear, I pulled out a dark navy blue and red striped flannel out of the closet and black ripped jeans and my old worn-out blue covers shoes, I took my towel and cup and thought and brush to the male's bathroom.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ