(22) Just Freinds Now, Tomorow...?

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Error's POV

I'm in my room, staring at the ceiling thinking about Ink. I noticed he's been pretty sad lately, and forcing himself to smile, Dust and Red told me he's stopped playing his violin...

Ink usually plays his violin in the morning on the weekends. Isabel told me that Ink hasn't been around in art club either.

Blue and Dream as great friends they are, they had invited Ink over to their house so Ink wouldn't be alone in his dorm after school. Fresh and I invited Ink to sleepover and play video games...watch movies...like we usually did in every weekend but...Ink seems out of it, Like he's lost interest in everything he once loved doing.

Nightmare and his twin brother, especially Blue seem to know something, about Ink that I don't.

"Error?" Geno called out from the door, "Come in." I said not bothering to move from my bed, Geno opens the door with something behind his back with a smile. "What?" I asked looking confused, I sat up from my bed as Geno sat beside me and hands me two concert tickets.

"Geno, you didn't have to-" I stopped myself and sighed feeling worried over Ink.

"...I...Ink is not himself...always lost in his thoughts." I said as Geno frowns, "I know, I noticed he's been out of character." Geno said, then gives me a hopeful smile.

"You and I both know Ink needs is a distraction from whatever is going on...maybe he might tell you when he's ready." Geno said, as I smiled and hugged my big brother.

"Thank you Geno."


"Ink?" I asked as we were walking through the campus, Ink seemed to be too deep in thought, I have been calling his name three times. Until I snapped my fingers to his face to get his attention.

"Error! Oh sorry I didn't sleep very much last night." Ink said as he rubbed his sockets tiredly. "It's okay...Ink are you okay? Everyone is worried about you." I asked concern and hope that perhaps he might tell me what's been going on inside that skull of his.

"Worried? I'm just not sleeping much lately from studying. I'm just exhausted, what were you talking about?" Ink asked changing the subject. Guess he ain't ready yet. I don't want to push him. He'll tell me when he's ready.

"Um..." I started to get nervous, as I blushed.

"I-I just way wanted to ask if you...want to go to a concert with me?" I asked as pulled out the two tickets. Ink gasps as he smiled at me.

A real smile.

"Yes! I do!" Ink said with a happy smile, I smiled back, "Great! I'll pick you up at five? If it's alright with you?" I asked as Ink gave me a soft beautiful smile.

"It's perfect." Ink said.

"See ya." Ink said on his way to leave then he turns around and Ink suddenly hugs me tightly. "Thank you. You really didn't have to do this...I know. See you at five Error." Ink said as he blushes softly and let's me go and left to the dorms.

"...see ya..."


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