(37) The Swan Princess_3_💚

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IN THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE SWAN PRINCESS: "Oh. Sweet. Mama. Earth. He could have killed me...holy shit..." Shannon said slowly in shock, as Error pats her on the back then walking back to the castle.

'Don't lose hope, Ink, wherever you are... I'm gonna find you.' Error thought gripping his arrows within his grasps.

"ERROR YA COULD HAVE KILLED ME!! Dude what tha heck!!!" Shannon exclaims horrified.


People laughing and chatting beyond the curtains  waiting, Meanwhile Izabel looks stressed looking around with three handmade puppets that Error made in her arms held tightly as the human huffs angrily—"WHERE THE HELL ARE MY PUPPETEER'S AT??" Iza exclaims in a whisper stomping her foot down looking annoyed, Fresh teleports behind Iza.

"Hello my Captain, ya called?" Fresh said with a smile, Iza who jumps feeling her heart throb, her soul shake feeling startled almost dropping the three puppets—Iza turns around feeling relief flowing through her but kept her frown of displeasure, "FRESH! Where the heck did you go? I was literally looking everywhere-"

"Decided to take a bathroom break." Fresh said simply keeping his smile giving a small shrug.

"Wut?" Iza looking at Fresh like he was crazy as the two stared at each other in silence until Iza manage to process Fresh's excuse, as she shook her head—"No offense my dearest first mate but...how?" Iza trails off looking puzzled.

"Hehe wouldn't you want to know Captain." Fresh chuckles as he adjusts his YO-LO glasses.

"What's that's suppose to mean?" Iza said narrowing her eyebrows but then shook her head taking in a deep breath and out and gave Fresh a small tired smile.

"Doesn't matter! Take your puppet and GO!" Iza exclaims handing Fresh 'Puffin The Puppet' into his arms and pats him on the shoulder and walks quickly passed him as she hollered in a distance.

"TACO!! DUST!! We have an audience to entertain here!!" Iza exclaims as her heals clicks against the wooden floor.

"Okay Ink! Error! Everyone listen up! Go into your place, the curtains are about to open!" Iza said in her 'Captain mode' voice as everyone scurried over to their place, Red and Emo Hurried to change the wallpaper of the background into a different setting of the swan lake.

"Don't be nervous Error! You'll do great!" Ink said giving him a thumbs up, Error looks over to Ink who noticed Error's nervousness as he forced a smile madding his ahead, waving at Ink in response.

"Okay! Ready in five! Four! Three! Two! One!!" Iza loudly whispers, as her back stage team worked quickly—Emo and Red pulls the the twitch to opening the curtains again.

"ACTION!" Iza said, Dust, Fresh brining Taco along with them together teleported to their hiding spot behind a "bush" with their puppets at hand crouching down as low as they could not to be seen.


Leonardo chuckles as the turtle tilted his head watching his frog friend try to catch the fly with his long sticky tung only to miss once and twice.

"Quiet! I cannot concentrate." Jean glared at Leonardo feeling annoyed waving it's tiny green arms in the air—Leo shook his head laughing.

"You've come up with some dumb ideas, Jean-Bob, but this one's a doozy."  Leonardo said.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Where stories live. Discover now