(40) THE GRAND FINALE_0_ (Remake 2)

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"Thank you for coming to the show! And everyone on stage a big loud of applause!" Iza exclaims with a big bright smile along with Ink, Error, Fresh, Nightmare, Dream, Dust, Blue, and the small skeletons Reboot and Eraser, Shannon, Emo, basically everyone who made this play possible standing tall on the stage as they held hands and bowed down towards the audience who clapped and cheered.

"Now for the grand finale!" Iza exclaims with excitement, her browns eye's shining brightly her voice bouncing throughout the theater as the audience cheered and clapping.

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The curtains open slowly as the audience began to shift in their seats their gaze engraved at the opening curtains revealing darkness of four shadowed silhouettes who stood there standing on the stage along with other shadowed figures who stood behind them holding their instru-ments tightly as their souls hummed.

Dream and Nightmare above the stage setting the stage lights looking down upon their friends among the darkness of the stage, Nightmare looking down the darkness overwhelming the stage and the empty silence.

"Ready?" Dream asked his twin brother with a wide giddy smile, Nightmare looks down squinting his sockets seeing the shadowed human figure waves their hand with a flashlight blinking three times giving the signal.

"We're ready." Nightmare said looking over his brother a smile nodding his head, Dream smiles flipping the first switch of a shining warm red light shining down at Ink who wore a black long sleeved shirt and and skinny dark blue jeans and black shoes who stood standing gripping the microphone tightly in his hand.

Nightmare placing his bony fingers against the switch waiting for the the moment listing the melody of the piano that Yovanca began playing with her chocolate brown fingers dancing across the tiles,

Ink takes a deep breath and began to sing looking across the audience as his voice echoed through the theater:"Finally, you've given me a reason to be strong and we'll stand, Hand in hand till the end!" Ink sings under the red light above as the speakers booms loudly throughout the theater as he closed his sockets as he sings.

The Twins quickly switching up the switches of a white spotlights shining down at Yovanca who's playing the piano, Emo playing the drums hitting the perfect beats, Shannon playing her guitar as her soul humming with excitement.

"As my body's shaking the future is out there waiting..." Ink sings his voice echoed with his eyes closed staying deathly still frowning—placing a hand on his chest feeling his soul humming loud within him.

"For me to grasp the light that's trembling just like my hand~" Ink sings shaking his head with his sockets closed with his shaking and sweating skeletal hand clinching the black fabric of his long sleeved black shirt.

"I gotta keep it safe from fading, That's all that I want~" Ink sings desperately with tired sockets forcing himself, opening his sockets looking towards and beyond the crowd looking at the windows seeing the sun slowly leaving—Another switch was flipped shining purple down at Fresh who stood by the far left from Ink as he held his microphone and began to sing his part.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora