(38) ThE SwAn PRincEss _2_🖤

177 10 7

👆Song: 'Once Upon A December'

THE_DARK_ROOM_: Eliza, Soul of perseverance, guardian and soul of 'Together Forever' as she held the purple soul with a smile on her lips sitting on her knees, a purple magic hue surrounded her body seeing the AU within watching the characters continued living happily walking out of the theater on their way to Grillby's——

"Hmm_Hmm_Hmm~" A glitching female voice sang in a distance, Eliza heard her void getting ripped violently and the echoed sounds of glitching and loud static following behind and distant humming with sounds of gory substance falling onto the black ground of Eliza's void.

"Hmm_Hmm_Hmm~" A Glitching Woman with a wide sinister smile wide dark eyes with white glowing eye lights illuminating the darkness of the Dark Room, it's black tar of a body glitching and pouring black tar as it rolls down it's body walking towards Eliza.

Eliza felt anger filling deep within her core as she retreated her purple soul that held the AU return into her chest, her purple eyes shrink, eyebrows narrowed while her soul pounds in her chest—taking deep breaths she stood tall lifting her hands through her purple hair tying it into a bun and with her purple magic she changed her clothes into her battle armor of black and lines of purple hue.

"Hmm_Hmm_Hmm~" The Glitching Woman hums summoning her own spear shaped as a white glowing needle a corrupted weapon that killed, infected the innocent and that corrupted and destroyed AU's—Eliza stares at the weapon within the woman's hand as Eliza felt tears emerged in her eyes they then darkened only leaving her purple eye lights glowing in anger.

"Wasn't killing my sisters and their AU's enough for you?" Eliza asked, the Glitch just smiled widely staring at the last guardian of the last AU.

"Hmm_Hmm_Hmm~" The Glitching Woman hums as she continued to walk towards Eliza as the Glitching Woman's broken bones mixed in the tar snapped in place as her head twitched while the pool of black tar dropped to the ground.

"Dancing bears, Painted wings, Things I almost remember~" The Glitch Woman sang slowly walking just a few feet away from Eliza glaring with her wide round white eye lights glowing within the Dark Room.

"W.D Gaster has already reported you to Screen, and trust me she's not pleased." Eliza warned narrowing her eyebrows glaring at the woman in front of her as Eliza summon her weapon of a long thin purple/pink sword—holding the handle shaped with Purple Hearts.

"And a song someone sings, Once upon a December~" The Glitching Woman sang, Eliza glared as she sighs and takes a deep breath.

"This is your last warning Isabel, surrender now or face the consequences." Eliza said loudly pointing her purple sword towards the woman—and the sword suddenly was overwhelmed with purple/pink flames.

"Why are you still doing this?—This won't convince our Creator to bring your AU back." Eliza said wearing a scowl, Isabel with a wide insane smile on her black lips, short messy tangled black hair covered in tar—Isabel didn't stop walking.

"Someone holds me safe and warm, Horses prance through a silver storm~"
Isabel sang, her voice sang echoed throughout the Dark Room, as a loud static, a glitching of black and white mixed together followed behind Isabel.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Where stories live. Discover now