(24) Fingers intertwined, hand on his hips and their dancing, and Love is Born

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Ink and Error felt a nice fuzzy warm feeling within themselves, They really liked to be around one another. Ink felt a spark being on stage again, now that Error was here to take a part of the play Ink felt...something.

Error never been on stage before only when he was a baby bones, but that didn't really count. Error didn't want to fail his part, especially if this play was important for Ink and the thought of someone else taking his part...made him a little jealous to say the least.

Error rubs the back of his skull nervously blushing,  "I wanted to ask you once I found you that, if you wanted to come with me to Grillby's to eat something before we come back for rehearsal." Error asked, "I would love to Error, let's go!" Ink said with a smiled brightly and hugs Error's arm dragging him down the steps of the stage.


Error opens the door for Ink to come in, as the two sit in a table for two, opening up their menus carefully deciding weather to have fries? Or a hamburger?

The Fresh in his black and white uniform he walks straight to their table, "Fresh what are you doing here?" Ink asked slightly surprised how well dress Fresh was, wearing a nice suit with a note pad and pen, without his glasses, he looked like a whole different skeleton.

"Uh...I work here? Iza is suppose to come here ten minutes ago, have ya see her?" Fresh asked looking everywhere but no Isabel anywhere.

Speak of the human, she burst through the doors, "IM HERE! I didn't come late I swear!" Iza said breathing heavily sweating, as she gasps for air, she was also wearing a nice white shirt with sleeves with a black bow tie with a black skirt  and black shoes with her green hair tied into a bun. "Your late again Iza y'know ya have to be here on time, ya gotta be responsible." Fresh said with his hands on his hips. "I know fresh, I'm sorry I promise this is the last time alright?" Iza said with smile, as The skeleton nods as the green haired human hurrying to the Kitchen.

"Alright, anyway good afternoon and what do you want to order today?" Fresh asked with a friendly smile, as Ink and Error whispers to one another then Error smiles at his brother.

"We'll have two orders of fries please." Error said as Fresh wrote down their orders.

"What did you want to drink? There's soda, Ochata, coffee, juice and beer...but ya can't have beer not sorry!" Fresh said, shrugging with a big smile.

"I want Coca Cola, no caffeine please." Error said giving his menu to his Bother as Ink thought for a moment,"I want ochata please! Thank you." Ink said politely closing his menu and handing it to Fresh.

"Alright your orders will come in few minutes!" Fresh said as he teleports to the kitchen.

"I didn't know that Fresh worked here." Ink said as Error smiles rolling his eyes lights.

"He only works her because Iza is here." Error said as Ink looked surprised he didn't know that his friend has a crush on the head captain of art club! Then Iza (Isabel) came up to their table with their food and drinks with a beautiful smile on her face looking at her two favorite skeletons she ships so hard.

Captain Iza and her partner Fresh are determined to get this ship sail if that's the last thing she'll do.

"Hello good fellow monsters here's your fries and drinks!" Iza said with a smile as she place the plate of fries and drinks on their table.

"Thank you." They both said at the same time and blushed and smiles at one another.

"You are very welcome!" Iza said as she speed walks to Fresh with a big smile, as the two hid behind the bar counter.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Where stories live. Discover now