(21) Reborn

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Beep Beep Beep-

Ink turns off his alarm, as he sits up stretching his bones as they pop. "Good morning Skipper." Ink said with a smile as he yawns, Ink forces himself to get out of bed to feed Skipper and change his water dish. Ink then gets his towel, he decided to wear his yellow T-shirt with DJ marshmallow on it and took a white long sleeved shirt to hide his scars and cracks, taking his towel and cup to the bathroom.


Error and Fresh were in the car waiting for Blue, Dream and Nightmare at their house then Drive to their school and wait for Ink.
"Good morning everyone!!" Blue exclaims with excitement as he opens the back door of Error's car taking a seat. "Hello Blue." Error said looking at his phone texting Ink, Fresh turns and looks a Blue with sheepish smile  "Heya Blue berry! Um...did you do the homework? Uh...I forgot hehe!" Fresh said as he chuckles nervously.

"You lazy bones! You didn't even try did you?" Blue said as he crossed his arms and narrowed his sockets suspiciously at Fresh who his shades spelled out 'SO-RRY'.

"N o p e ." Fresh said as he shrugged but took of his shades and did the saddest skeleton look he could do begging Blue. "Fine. You owe me nice cream." Blue said as he opens his Blue grey backpack and pulled out his homework and handing it out to Fresh who had a smug look on his face, Blue was confused.

"Dust told me he'd gladly give you some Nice cream to lick on...what flavor was it? Oh yeah grape~"Fresh said as he wiggles his eyebrows.
"FRESH!!! Shut up!!" Blue exclaims blushing blue as he hits Fresh with his notebook as Error laughs, as Fresh shields himself with his arms laughing at Blue's expression.

"What? It's true! You are soooo thirsty for him." Fresh teased.

Blue is triggered.

"NO." Blue said his sockets going pitch black but still blushing, all blue like a blueberry.
"Then why you blushing?" Error asked as he laughs, Blue just crossing his arms pouting like a child embarrassed not saying anything.

"Hahahah! You little sinner!!" The two brothers laughed like crazy.

"I'm not a sinner!!!" Blue yelled blushing then felt Dream sit by him the leans on him, and says"Not yet~" Dream said with a smirk.

"Dream! Not you too!!" Blue exclaims a look of betrayal on his face.

"It's revenge for the embarrassment you put me through in front of my boyfriend!" Dream said as Blue gasps l.

"Well it's true!!! Cross said so." Blue said justifying himself,"What are you two babbling about?"Nightmare said sitting by Dream as he closes the door, and putting on his seat belt.

"About Dream's boyfriend!!" Blue said, Dream smirked about to tease but, his twin pats his head,"Awww My little bro is becoming a little sinner..." Nightmare said as the three skeletons laughed at Dream. "Okay first: It's only been five seconds late being born out of our mothers womb. Second: I'm not a sinner." Dream said blushing.

"That's what we all say. But deep down, we are all sinners." Nightmare said with a neutral look on his face. Then his sockets suddenly become pitch black, "If he gets you pregnant I'll slice his hands and dick off." Nightmare said with a wide smile and dark sockets.


"Nightmare Y e S ."


Ink walks down the stairs to the campus, then his phone buzzes again, Ink takes his phone out of his pocket.
Mom swipe to read >

Ink frowns feeling sad all over again. Ink took a shaking breath and once again deleted the message. Ink saw his friends as he pulled up a smile.

"Hey guys!" Ink said happily as they sat on the grass talking together, in a circle, Ink is sitting by Error, Dream sitting by Nightmare, Blue sitting by Fresh.

Go back to where you held
armour against your skin

Then Dust and Red sat on the grass the circle growing as everyone talked  And laughed together.

Don't sink, just swim towards the storm

The group of friends felt they could do this together forever if they could.

And once again you'll be
reborn, reborn, reborn

But it has to end at some point, the bell rings as the circle broke apart as the group together went inside the school building to their first period class. Today felt different.

It felt as if the world has reborn.

Go back to where
I held armour against my skin
Won't sink, I swim towards the storm
And once again I'll be reborn, reborn, reborn

To be continued.

To be continued

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