(33) Let Finale Show Begin.

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The light shining down at the skeleton on the stage with the microphone in his hands, the music echoing throughout the theater as the audience sat in their seats with their flash from their phones waving in the air illuminating the dark theater cheering for the skeleton about to do the last performance of the show.

Ink wearing black a flower crown around his skull, of different colors of the seven souls, wearing a beautiful long black dress with long sleeves a white thin silk around his waist. While listening to soft piano, looking onto the crowd with sweaty hands around the microphone, he takes a deep shaking breath turning his head to the monsters and humans A familiar feeling setting into Ink's soul.

Remembering of a time when he long ago was on stage performing without a care in the world...when his world was okay before it became crushed then collapsed and turned into dust. Ink feeling something heavy blooming within his soul once again, the feeling of hopelessness, feeling like nothing mattered anymore...that life wasn't worth living when all life does to you is give you more pain...Until he met Error that's when his world changed.

Ink closes his sockets and began to sing his artificial soul beating rapidly.

"What's left to say?"

'I M S O S T U P I D !' Ink sobbed on the ground within the forest laying on the mud, with a ruined dress and surrounded with his own chips of bones and blood pouring out of his arms and skull as he clenches his Skull screaming, soul throbbing in pain. Ink felt lost. Ink felt alone. Ink felt hatred with himself. Ink felt he couldn't go on anymore. Ink just wanted to give up. Ink wanted the earth to swallow him and never be found.

Hours passed Ink shakily stands up walking back to his school then teleporting into his dorm, only silence...Ink walked to his bed laying onto his soft cold bed feeling empty and exhausted drifting into darkness finally asleep.

"These prayers ain't working anymore.
Every word shot down in flames."

Ink ran through the hallways with tears emerging, the skeleton ran to his dorm slamming the door shut breaking into sobs throwing his cellphone to the carpet slowly falling to the floor with his back against the door tears bleeding out of his sockets hiccuping

'God! Why do I even bother being here?! I can't do this anymore!!! God why is this happening to me?! Why do you hate me so much?! Why am I here?! I'm-I'm-' Ink sobs hugging himself tightly with tears gushing out of his sockets.
Ink felt a itching desire within him.

He promised. He promised he wouldn't. But he needed it. All he want was to slice, scratch, again and again until he was satisfied. Ink crawls back to his feet speeding to his closet reaching for his special box, opening the box filled with old pictures of his friends his, childhood bunny, his brush, and the comfort collection of sharp objects waiting for him to use, Ink's fingers curling around the sharp object with stains on the silver grey steel.

'W-what made you hate me so much? Why did you keep me if you didn't love me?' Ink cries with a sharp object on his arm slicing, chips of his bones falling onto the carpet.

'W-why can't you just h-hug me...o-or just t-tell me that-' Ink sobs slicing harder and faster.

"T-That e-everything is going to be o-okay-
w-why? What?-WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE THERE FOR ME FOR JUST THIS ONCE?!!?!" Ink screams throwing the bloody object across his room as he sobs within his hands his soul squeezing in unbearable Loneliness.

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