(27) It's Okay.

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Iza turns off her alarm getting up giving out a big loud yawn, then she heard someone throwing tiny rocks on her window of her dorm, Iza looked annoyed pulling out a bat from under her bed.

Iza opened the window with her bat held high "Ey what's the bright idea?! Are ya trying to-FRESH?!" Iza said surprised to see Fresh there who waved with a smile on his face.

"I'll be right down in 20 min, I'll take a quick a shower!" Iza yelled, dropping the bat, ran to get her towel, cup and black ripped jeans and her favorite dark navy blue flannel, and green converse shoes.

Iza took a quick a bath and changed to her clothes and ran back to her dorm, brushing her wet hair quickly then placing her dirty clothes on the laundry, putting away her towel and cup. Iza hurriedly looked for her fruits and veggies container her two companions, The Blue And Gold Macaw, named Azul and Green Quaker parrot, named Poly The Second.


"Ah! Found it! Okay mis bebés acá están su comida~" Iza said with a big smile as she placed the foodie their silver bowls in their separate cages, Iza put on her green converse shoes and grabbed her backpack and her makeup purse in her bag zipping her backpack closed swinging her backpack to her arm and grabbed her keys and put the door.

So sentimental
Not sentimental no!
Romantic, not disgusting yet

Iza opening the door again and looks at her two bird friends, "Bye Azul! Bye Poly The Second, be good! Love you!!" Iza said and closed the door locking her dorm and ran downstairs to the exit to where Fresh is waiting for her.

I'm down and lonely
When with the fortunate only
I've been looking for something else

"Good morning my radical amazing chill skeleton dude!" Iza said as she pulled out her navy blue beanie putting it on completing her look, as Fresh smiled with a purple hue on his cheekbones.

Do let, do let, do let, jugulate, do let, do
Let's go slowly, discouraged,
Distant from other interests

"Good morning, Dudett!" Fresh said, as Iza with a big smile excited smile grabbing his hand dragging him to the theater.

On your favorite weekend ending
This love's for gentlemen only
That's with the fortunate only

"C'mon Fresh! We have a hella ton of work to do!" Iza said, "Right behind ya captain!" Fresh said as the two ran together with their hands locked together to the theater.


"Okay hurry up guys! We have time dying in our hands so we got to have everything ready for the big show!" Iza said as she was putting on makeup on Shannon, Iza looks at her friend with a satisfied look.

No, I gotta be someone else
These days it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes and goes!

"There! Done, now here's your costume and go Change." Iza said as she passed the costumes that Dream and Nightmare made. Shannon nods and speeds to the changing room.

Lisztomania, Think less but see it grow
Like a riot, like a riot, oh!
Not easily offended

"Dream? Nightmare?" Iza asked as the twins were wearing similar clothes for the special show, "okay your ready! So I'll have Fresh to put your costumes in the changing room alright?" Iza said as the twins nod and kept rehearsing their song.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat