(26) Calling, Answer And Then A Broken Screen.

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Ink's POV

"I know you did great Error! I can't wait for the play!" I said excited, Error and I were walking to the dorms together like we always do.

"Thanks, But not as good as you. You are waaaayy more experience in acting than I am." Error said with a smile as he put his hands into his pockets of his black coat, I stared at Error's face memorizing his face, his sockets, his smile.
Making me blush and feeling warm and shy.

"Well I guess see you tomorrow Ink, get plenty of rest alright? We have a lot of working to do tomorrow." Error said, I realized that we made it to the dorms, looking at Error causing my smile to grow.

"Oh, I'll be ready for the special show and the play, say that to yourself. You better be sleeping early! not texting me all night." I said with a smile as Error rolls his eye lights playfully.

"Alright I won't tonight." Error said with a cute look on his face, I walked upstairs to the entrance of the dorms I look back.

"Goodnight Error." I said giving my friend my best smiles, "Goodnight Ink." Error said with a relaxed smile, I open the door walking upstairs to my dorm. I take out my key, opening the door of my room taking a step in, dropping my backpack onto the floor then I look out my window to see Error leaving to the parking lot and getting inside his car with Fresh waiting for him then drove back home.

I smiled to myself, walking to my bed getting my hands on my pajamas to change into, I take off my shirt and sleeves, I stared at my cracks and scars. I took my blue pajama shirt with sleeves and taking off my jeans to my black pajama pants, feeling disappointed in myself.

Then picking up my backpack taking my homework to my small desk where I would sketch and began finishing my homework.





My phone begins to ring, I sign and sitting up from my chair and walk to my bed to see...well I already know who it is.

Mom swipe to answer >

I sat on my bed staring at the screen taking a deep breath I pick up my phone and answer my mothers call.

"Hello?" I said my soul pounding inside of me my bones were shaking. I am very nervous.


"I'm busy with school." I answered only to get yelled back by my mother, I take a deep breath trying to calm myself.


"Mom look-"


"...I'm sorry okay? If I knew this was going to happen I wouldn't have gone!" I yelled why dose she always do this?!


"T-That's NOT true!" I sobbed wiping my tears only for more to roll down my face.


"Mom please just listen!" I yelled frustrated.


"M-mom look just let me explain-" I stuttered my soul is aching in sadness, I feel like the whole world is crashing down at me, she never listens!! Then I froze for what she has said next crying as I listen the harsh words she's spitting out through the phone making me feel...the want to crawl into a hole and die.


"Why do you hate me so much? It's not my fault for what happened!" I yelled with tears coming out of my sockets.

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