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Ink's POV

Walking through the halls of my school feeling this heavy aching in my chest that just seems to get worse and worse, Looking at the floor staring down at my feet. I'm tired. I can't sleep. My arm stings from the fresh cuts on my bones. They won't shut up, they keep pushing me, Whispering, Talking, and Hurting me and I don't want to keep going.

It's too hard, Why bother trying? I'm nothing, I'm a nobody. Everyone hates me. I wish I could just disappear. Why am I still here? Can't I just give up and finally sleep?


I was walking through the hallways going to my locker while looking at the ground zoning out, I'm so tired from all the exams I've been studying for. Then I saw someone in a distant when I got to my locker, When they turned around I was surprised who it was.

"Nightmare?" I said surprised why is he here? Was he waiting for me? If so why? He rolled his single blue eye as he hands me an envelope with my name on it.

"Don't ask just take the damn invite before I change my mind." Nightmare said annoyed as he stayed there as I opened the envelope and saw that I am invited to the party, NIGHTMARES PARTY? he and his gang are the ones that people wish to be a part of, wish to be invited. And he invited me?

"...a party?" I said stupidly, nice going Ink. I thought as I hugged my sketchbook tightly to my chest.

"Nooooo~ a funeral. You idiot. of course It's a party, I don't care if you're going or not. Dream does." Nightmare said sarcastically and being an asshole as always. "Thanks, um...tell Dream that I'll think about it," I said while he just glared at me as he pushes me with his shoulder bumping into the lockers.

"Tell him yourself I ain't your messenger." Nightmare said annoyed. I glared back at him while he walked away.

Then I looked at my invitation. Dream wanted me to come then. He probably annoyed Nightmare none stop just so I could come to the party with him?

"HELLO INK!" Blue yelled from the very end of the hallway as his voice echos, I smiled while opening my locker while Blue ran to me happier more than ever before."Hey Blue." I said getting my books and returning the books I had in my bag since I didn't need them in class today.

"I got invited! Are you going to the party?" Blue said excitedly while I just scoffed and smiled as I shook my head at Blue. "Blue You always get invited to parties. This is the first time I ever got an invitation to a party. I don't feel like going." I said I'm not the type of monster to go to parties.

"C'mon! You haven't left your dorm in forever! You should go out more, and socialize and try to make new friends!" Blue said with stars in his eyes.

"I like staying in my dorm. It's quiet and dark and has my art supplies and I'm alone without anyone bothering me. I don't need to go to some stupid party, besides I Want to graduate and get the hell out of this place." I said which was nothing but the truth, I like to stay in my dorm. I'm not a party monster...I just don't know...I feel I don't belong anywhere in this school except when I'm with Dream and Blue. Friends since Pre-K.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it today?" Blue asked. "Oh? Sorry, I'm just super tired I stayed up late studying for the Exams." I said truthfully as I closed my locker.

"Are you sure? If you want I can get Ms.Hernandez she can help you if anything is bothering you." Blue said worried since a special friend of his that he never talks about to us was...going through with life who's giving them a bad time. His crush was depressed but I'm fine I'm not depressed I'm just stressed with school that's all.

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