(3) The New Student❓

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Error's POV





I pulled my cell from my nightstand and hissed due to the brightness of my phone.


I sat up from bed, Stretching as my bones popped, I groaned as I rubbed my spine, getting up from my warm bed and got my clothes that laid on my nightstand. Black jeans and a red T-shirt with 'Weathers' written on it my favorite band and my old black coat made by mom herself. I walked out of my room and off to the bathroom turning on the light then hissing again grabbing my toothbrush and shutting off the light.

Then grabbing the toothpaste and brushing my teeth looking at myself in the dark. After finishing brushing my teeth I stared at the light switch debating whether or not I wanted to turn on the light. Nah. Welp! Going to take a shower in the dark. I took my clothes off. Turning the water on as the shower shot out. The Warm steam filling the bathroom. Having a good hour shower...

*knock! knock!*

(Sigh) What the fuck now?

"Error your wasting Mother Nature's precious water!" Geno said behind the bathroom door as I smiled I decided to try to mess with him for a bit.

"Yep!" I said as the shower was still running and warm steam filling the bathroom more.

*knock! knock!*

"Error I'm serious, the gas bill and the water bill will be the death of me if you don't get out of the shower," Geno said, he has a good point, I'll mess with him with something else that doesn't cost Geno's wallet...Nah.

"Okay," I said while still being the shower, the shower still running. The steam.

*knock! knock!*

"I made your favorite breakfast..." Geno said I could already do imagine that stupid grin he's making...but fine he got me, I just can't say no to food...especially if it's chocolate chip waffles with maple syrup, bacon on the side and a two sunny side up's how can I not? I turn off the shower, grabbing my black and red pirate towel, drying off my bones and putting my clothes on. In the dark.

*In all honesty: who takes showers in the dark,
on weekdays during the school year?
I do. Don't judge I was born weird.*

I opened the door only to see Geno left downstairs. I went to my room to put my Pajamas back on the messy disorganized bed not bothering to fold them. Lazy I know. Walking downstairs, and going straight to the kitchen where Geno and Fresh were waiting for me to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Bro's and hello waffles!" I said as I sat down on my chair ate my breakfast.

"Good morning Error."

"Good morning broski!"


"...Hey Fresh, I wanted to ask, why do you want to transfer schools? Is someone or something bothering you?" Geno asked worried. I stopped eating, looking at Fresh he had an annoyed and angry expression.

"What did they do. What's their name. Where do they live." I said looking serious while Fresh looked up and shook his head quickly.

"No! It's nothing like that Broski! I swear!" Fresh exclaimed waving his hands and then frowns and looking down at his plate playing with his bacon by ripping them apart and eating it slowly.

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