(13) Water Balloon Fight!

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💫This chapter suggested by Eclipse618 💫

Ink stepped out of the bus, "Thank you, sir!" Ink said with a smile the bus driver smiled "No problem! Have a nice afternoon." He said, "Thanks! You too!" Ink said turns looking at Error's and Fresh's home, as the doors of the bus closed and drove away.

Ink looked at himself making sure he looked alright. Ink was wearing blue jeans and a red long-sleeved flannel to hide them.

Ink sighs with a smile look looking at the beautiful pink and golden sky then walks to the doorsteps of his friend's house and knocks on the door. And waits.

"Hey Ink!" Error said with a smile welcoming Ink to his families home as Ink smiled walking inside "Hello Error!" Ink said as Error hugs Ink, as for Ink gladly hugs Error back.

Error let's go of Ink nervously scratching his skull gently, "Sorry, that I was unable to pick you up. Geno needed my car since he is having problems but I'll have it back once Geno's car's fixed." Error said.

Ink smiles as he put his hand on Error's shoulder, "No need to be sorry Error." Ink said as he sat on a chair by the dinner table taking out his homework from science class.

Error smiled and sat by Ink with his homework in front of him on the table as the two worked on their homework.

💖💖💖 2 hours later 💖💖💖

Error yawns, and so did Ink, "Hey why not we go outside in the backyard and do our homework there, I can get us something to drink or eat if you want." Error said as Ink stands up stretching his bones popping.

"Yeah, I would like that." Ink said.

The two skeletons with their homework go to the backside door of the house, going outside with a small flower garden, Ink crouching down to see the flowers.

"That's Mom's garden...she said to take good care of them while she's gone, or else she said in spirit she'll be pulling our feet at night when we're sleeping." Error laughs softly, he placed his hand into the pocket of his black jeans.

"I make sure they're always watered and well-taken care of." Error said with a smile looking at his mother's garden.

"S-She always loved gardening. Heh, I remember when fresh and I were kids we would mess with her garden GOD what a bad time we received from Mom...I miss her so much...her jokes...her smile...hell I miss even her punishments." Error said a tear escapes his one of his sockets, then rubbing his socket with the back of his hand.

Ink frowns standing up and giving Error a comforting hug, "I'm sure she is happier to see her boys are taking care of themselves without her..." Ink said softly Error froze.

"I don't think her soul would move on if her sons were still suffering from her leaving." Ink said softly rubbing Error's back as he smiled and hugging Ink in return.

"Y-yeah...I'm sure she is." Error said.


"FRESH!" Ink/Error yelled at the same time.

Fresh who laughed with a water balloon at hand and by him on the grass was a big road down bucket of water balloons, Error ran after Grabbing a yellow water balloon, and Ink who was following grabbing a red water balloon.

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