(34) The Swan Princess Prologue

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I did a changes to the story so you guys won't get confused who is who alright?
So the audience in the story will be hearing the character's names within the story of the Swan princess.

while you my dear readers will be hearing the names of our beloved characters in the roles of the characters of the Swan Princess ALSO because it's easy for me to write and more enjoyable for you guys to read and NOT get confused!  Anyway enjoy reading!

"Everyone Ready?" Iza asked to Fresh as he gave her a thumbs up, "Yes everything is everything's perfect Captain Iza." Fresh said saluting to the narrator as Iza Salutes back at Fresh, "Thank you Lieutenant Fresh!" Iza said and turns around looking at Dust and Red,

"Okay boys open the curtains!" Iza said as the two skeletons nod as they moved the curtains giving the orchestra band the message to begin playing and all the monsters and the two humans in their costumes went to their place waiting to be called while Dream, Blue and Nightmare came first in line as Iza took a hold of the microphone hidden from sight as the curtains open.

The Play begins:❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖🖤❣️

Iza: Once upon a time there was a king named Dream who ruled a large and mighty kingdom. And yet, he was sad for he was growing old and had no child to inherit the throne.

Then, happily, a daughter was born... A princess and she was given the name 'Ink'.

Kings and Queens came from all around to offer their gifts to the child. Among them was the widow Blue and her young son, Prince Error. It was then that Dream and Blue happened upon the same idea, Error and Ink would be brought together each summer in hopes that they would fall in love and join their kingdoms forever.

But unknown to all was another plan, that of the evil enchanter, Nightmare. Ink's birth was of little concern to him, for he was preparing to take King Dream's kingdom by means of the Forbidden Arts.

On the eve of his assault, Dream attacked and Nightmare's powers were plunged into darkness, Despite calls for his death, the enchanter was only banished.

"I'm not finished with you yet, Dream! Someday I'll get my power back, and when I do, everything you own, everything you love will be mine." Nightmare growled teleporting away leaving a dark mist.

Iza: Many feared King Dream too kind.
But in time the threat was forgotten and all hopes turned to that not-too-distant summer, when Error and Ink would meet.

To be continued...

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