(42) The Dark Room_👁‍🗨

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👆Song: Crystal clocks and music box

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The Dark Room, a place where there's no life in sight, just the sounds of eternal silence surrounded by the never ending darkness that grew dark and darker as time passed by—Until one day it began to rain leaving a flood of water and it continues to rain as lightning struck from the black endless sky for a whole year.

The a brand new year arrived and the rain storm had passed leaving the Dark Room with its first sound, sounds of waves from the flood of water that the storm left behind—weeks later suddenly a tiny white spark about a size of a penny was formed and that white spark grew into a orb and began to shapeshift itself into a human-like form floating above the waving waters of the Dark Room. The first life form was born, her white glowing body illuminated the darkness as she gracefully landed onto the dark cold waters with her white pale feet. The young adult had no eyes, she had no nose nor mouth and she had no hair on her head or body—Naked and alone the creature with wobbly legs sat on her knees against the water, her two hands curiously explored the water as it ripples through her touch. The first born happily swirling her hands against the cold water, she splashed and slapped the water with her hands as she moved her legs sitting on her bum and began kicking the water—then she tilted her head filled with wonder and curiosity her hands trailed up to her face feeling the smooth surface, her hands felt her breasts to her abdomen, tummy to her legs and feet and felt her hands.


Months passed and the young first born had formed her ears able to hear the sounds of the waves of the water, she was excited with this strange and new experience and continued to make sounds with the waters and clapping her hands and eventually learned to snap her fingers loving the sounds she created. Weeks later she formed her eyes: Glowing white eye lights within the dark sockets from within her eye lids, the first born was ecstatic able to see her home—the woman looking around the darkness and looking down at her white feet seeing her reflection of the water as she crouched down to observing her appearance up close touching her incomplete face with an fascinated expression in her eyes.

A few days later she formed her nose able to smell something pleasant and strange, she had an idea and immediately with excitement she cups her hands filled with water lifting it up to her nose—it burned! her eyes filled with tears and she sneezed out the water that she sniffed up feeling hurt: Never do that again.

A day later she formed her mouth along with her teeth, she blinks rapidly immediately her hands went into her mouth to exploring her lips, her teeth and that weird squishy slimy thing in her mouth as her hands were coated with saliva—though she learned that she must not travel her fingers too deep or else she would feel an uncomfortable nauseous feeling that she certainly did not want to experience ever again.


Another year had come to past, The first born was running, sprinting through the dark room filled with determination to find where this darkness ends, the woman ran and ran until she felt she went far enough—she felt disappointed that she never seem to find an end, she took a deep breath and ran again but sadly enough she figured that maybe this place doesn't have an ending.


FINALLY something new! The woman was smiling wide happily seeing the Dark Room changing, there were stars of different colors and orbs of light of orange/golden color's scattered across the dark endless sky—the First born looks up her white eye lights shining in fascination and curiosity overcoming her mind when a green orb mixed with black floating in front of her, she reaches her hand out to touch it with her index finger and a flash of light... that's when she saw the first AU.

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