(8) An angry Dream

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Blue's POV
I put my box filled with childhood memories in my blue backpack, I leave my room and go downstairs, making my way to the door.

"Bro? Where are you going?" Papy asked as I turned around looking at him with my tired sockets.

"I'm going to Dream's dorm to show him something, I'll be back brother," I Said.

"But it's already dark outside-"

I ignored Papy, opening the door and closing it behind me, and went to the shack behind our house to get my blue bike, I make it to the sidewalk, taking a seat and pushed myself with my left foot, and rode my bike back to school.


Dream's POV

"INK LEFT BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED IN YOUR STUPID PARTY!" I yelled angrily at my brother, I pushed him aggressively as he glared at me pushing me harder making me fall to the carpet of our dorm.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTED ME TO INVITE THAT LOSER!!" Nightmare yelled as I stood to my feet

"OH! NOW YOUR BLAMING ME?!" yelling at his face, my cheekbones covered in yellow my emotions overcome with anger.


I snapped, I jumped on Nightmare knocking him down I started punching his face. "SHUT UP!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!" I screamed punch his face over and over and over.

"DREAM!" Yelled Blue ran into our dorm trying to stop me, as Blue tried to drag me away from my brother.

"DREAM STOP IT!" Yelled Blue as he pushes me knocking me off of Nightmare who was bleeding and bruised.

Nightmare touching his skull the black tar melted away leaving a familiar white skeleton, my brother's true form he looks at me with guilt.

"Dream-" he said getting up then trying to reach out to me, I slapped his hands away from me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I yelled at Nightmare and left our Dorm, I heard blue and Nightmare call out running after me. I ran outside. Away from the dorms. Away from the school campus, away from everything and everyone.

I ran until my legs ached, I made to the one place I usually go to when I'm upset.


"Stupid Nightmare!!" I Said to myself kicking a small rock walking on the train tracks.

"Stupid party!!" I yelled.

"Stupid Ink for leaving!!" I exclaimed as I kicked another stupid rock.

"STUPID VIDEO!!!" I screeched stomping my feet as I screamed out of frustration.

"Stupid ME!!!" I cried.

"Stupid EVERYTHING!" picking up a rock and throwing it hard.

I heard a small shriek, I jumped a little and walked to the source of the noise in the bush where I threw the rock.

I gasped I saw that I hurt a small young bird. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" I Said picking up the poor little bird walking my way back to school on the abandoned train track's.

Then I tripped dropping the bird and falling to a very steep part of the tracks I stretched out my right arm-

A loud crack sound echoes.

Pain shooting up my arm to my skull.

I screamed.

To be continued.

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