(14) Fresh's Phone call

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It's late at night Error is sound asleep, Geno's loud snoring in a distance. Except one skeleton in the small family is awake, Fresh in bed, with his lava lamp on illuminating his room with a pink/purple color. Fresh couldn't sleep, he had a bad feeling going on, in his artificial soul.

Something isn't right, Fresh rolls over to his side trying to get comfortable and sleep, It didn't work. Fresh's eye lights trail off to his phone, he texted Blue for a while now and he hadn't responded to any of his texts, Fresh knew something was up, Blue ALWAYS answers his calls and texts.

Unless something happened, Fresh sat up with a tired look, as he reaches out and takes a hold of his phone and tried to text Blue again.


Fresh: Hey Blue are you doing okay? You haven't responded to my recent texts for that past few weeks is everything alright?

Fresh waited for a moment and nothing came up, Fresh sighs and scrolling down to find Dream's name.


Fresh: Yo Dream you awake?

Fresh: Did something happened back there? Blue isn't responding to any of my text, which is odd since
he ALWAYS responds.

Fresh: You too huh? What happened?

Fresh waited for an hour and nothing from his two pals responded, Something is certainly happening, Fresh pulls out his phone and texted Ink.

Little Inky

Fresh: Hey Ink you awake?

Little Inky: I am now, what's up?

Fresh: Has Blue or Dream contacted you recently? I have a feeling something happened, have they told ya anything?

Little Inky: No I haven't even talked to them since I moved here.

Fresh: Why?

Little Inky: I'm not ready...I haven't even told them I was going to leave, I didn't even say goodbye to them...what if they're mad at me for leaving?

Fresh: I don't think they ever get mad at you, I'm positive that they would understand if you told them. The least you should do is to call them.

Little Inky: I don't know what to say.

Fresh: Say the truth. That's all.

Little Inky: Okay.

Fresh: Goodnight Ink.

Little Inky: Goodnight Fresh, see you tomorrow. I'll call them tomorrow.

Fresh: see ya tomorrow.

Fresh knew Ink wouldn't call them tomorrow...Ink is probably going to chicken out or forget, so Fresh logs out of his messages and goes through his contacts to make a call, a certain person that Error despises.

Fresh waits as the person's cell phone who Fresh is calling is ringing.

"W-what do you want?!" He yelled through the phone sounding slightly drunk.

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