(19) Hospital

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Nightmare's POV

Everything was dark, I felt someone holding my hand tightly. I feel tired, my head hurts. The soul monitor beating in a normal stable rhythm, It smells like...a hospital?

I tried to wake up, it was hard to open my sockets. I finally managed to open my sockets, and flinched due to the brightness, and saw Dream holding my hand tightly with dark bags under his eyes, sleeping.

I frown as I smiled softly, I turn my head to see on the nightstand there were echo flowers and balloons with letters saying "Get well soon!".

There were cards from some friends, Ink, Blue, Fresh, Cross, killer, Horror, and...I was surprised that even an old friend/ex-boyfriend...Error...sent me a card.

I looked at my hand...I was still in my true form...I didn't corrupt again...I looked at Dream and then I remembered about my mother.

I smiled as tears began flowing out of my sockets, I missed Mother so much...I am so happy to see her again...I will wait, mommy...I promise.

"N-Nightmare? Brother y-your awake!" Dream exclaims with tears in his eyes giving me a big warm hug, I hug him back tightly, "I-I'm so sorry for what I have done, I wasn't thinking, please forgive me." I cried hugging my brother as I sobbed.

"No, I am sorry! It wasn't your fault! I should be the one apologizing! I love you! Don't you ever do that again! I thought I lost you!" Dream cried as he hugs me again and kisses all over my face as my tears continued to flow.

"Why are you crying? Are you okay?" Dream asked worried with a frown with tears in his sockets, holding my hand in comfort.

"I'm just so happy, Dream...I saw mother...she was there, I saw her..." I said as I laughed, more tears rolling down my cheekbones.

"What? You saw mother?! W-What did she say?!" Dream said with tears rolling down, as he smiled. "Dream she told me to tell you...she said hello, and to be good and that she loves us with all her heart...infinity and beyond..." I said closing my eyes remembering.


"I love you both more than you'll ever know...my little Moon and my little Star to infinity and beyond."


"I-I made her worry so much about me...she was crying because of what I have done. Our mother soul couldn't Rest In Peace because her precious sons were suffering...we were hurting her so much and we didn't even know..." I said as Dream cried with an aching heart, Dream's soul shook with grief and relief...happiness...all into one.

"I promised her that I'd get help...that I'll be a better brother for you...and a-always remember to never forget, that there is always someone who cares and loves me! She brought me back...It was...she is beautiful...she smiled at me...she hugged me...I saw her...it was...it was..." I said crying, Dream hugs me again like as if I would disappear forever.

"It's a miracle!, b-brother I promise to help you get through this okay? You're never alone. I love you brother and don't you ever forget that o-okay? Mother is right, oh my god, I'm so happy that she sent you back into my alarms! I thought you'd leave me all alone." Dream sobs, I cried, kissing my brother on his forehead.

"I'm so sorry Dream, I'm sorry. I love you okay? I love you so much." I said with a smile.

Then the door opening, I saw everyone...
Blue, Ink, Error, Fresh, Geno, Cross, Killer, Horror...They all surrounded me with worry and relief and all the anguish disappearing.

I'm so happy to be alive. Thank you, mother.
Thank you. Thank you.

I'll wait as long as it takes Mom. Until God decides when my time is up...I miss you, and I will always always...love you mother, your the best mother I could ever ask for, Thank you for everything you have done for us.

I l-love you m-mom.

"My little Moon...My little Star...I love you with all my heart...more than you'll ever know my sweet angels, I'll always love you."

💚To be continued💚

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