(29) Let the show begin! PT 1

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"Good afternoon, Just wanted today a few words with y'all before I perform." Fresh said, everyone slowly drifting to a halt of their clapping waiting for what this fellow monster had to say.

"We Monsters and Humans sometimes take our loved ones for granted, we aren't greatful for what we have until we lose them." Fresh explains, everyone heard this lecture before, to the point they just ignore it, or just don't want to dwell upon thinking about.

Only care about themselves and themselves only. But the world doesn't revolve around you...there's people around you and everything you do and say will leave an impact in their lives including your judgement.

"Our mom passed away, due to a illness. My brothers and myself w-will do anything just to go back in time and relive our lives with our Mom, see her laugh, smile..." Fresh said as everyone remained deathly silent.

"listen to her jokes...heck we even miss her punishments w-when we messed up her favorite g-garden that my brother Error takes care of to this day." Fresh said his voice trembling holding himself together.

"What I'm saying is...tell your folks how much you love them. Always kiss them goodbye when they leave out that door of your home." Fresh said as one tear rolled down from his cheek his YO-LO glasses hiding his sockets, as he quickly wipes away the tear.

"E-Even if you aren't in good terms with them...because you can't control fate nor the destiny of what happens next." Fresh said with a forced small smile, The skeleton takes a deep breath to keep composure and then begins to play his guitar.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know."

Six year old Fresh hugging his tattletale toy close to him as he looks at the star's outside through the window of his mother's van. Error and Geno were sleeping as Fresh looks at his mother through the mirror, her eyes were tired with dried up tears on her cheek bones.

After the long drive from the city, Fresh wakes up to see their new house. Fresh and Error looked homesick, upset and Geno looked tired and sad as the three little skeletons stepped out of the van looking at their new house as their mom gave them a hopeful smile.

"This is our permanent home, I promise and swear this is the last time we move alright? We'll be happy here." Mom said as the skeletons gave their mother a small smile just to reassure her, they knew their mother is doing her best for them.

"When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes, It is the only thing
That makes us feel alive."

Mom working day and night, sick or not, if there was a blizzard or a storm Mom working her bone tail off for his her three skele-babies at home to have a good stable place to live and all the needs they needed, and help them with their homework and give them love and affection everyday even if she was tired.

Especially when it came with birthdays giving her boys what they wished for, she spent every dime she could for her sons birthday just to see them smile brightly when they opened their gifts...but when she couldn't...she would feel like a failure but her sons with a heart of gold they would always give her the love and support she needed.

"It's okay mommy we don't need presents to make us happy!" Fresh said with a loose tooth showing as he smiled at his mother who was upset, then hugged his mother tightly.

"Yeah! We just want you to be happy! If your happy then we're happier with you!" Error said giving his mom a big hug to make the sadness go away.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora