(28) Ladies and Gentlemen Remain In Your Seats

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Iza peeks through the curtains to see a large crowd of people sitting in their seats everyone talking their voices echoing through the theater waiting for the show to begin as the orchestra plays a soft melody until the show begins.

"Okay looks like everyone is here let the show start then!" Iza said excited walking to her group of friends waiting for Iza to let them know when to start. "Okay are you all ready, do have any concerns? Anything at all before we start?" Iza asked, Ink frowns looking nervous.

"Iza I have a problem it's about the dress." Ink said with the Dress in his arm, Iza looked confused the light blue dress is perfect, there wasn't anything wrong with it.

"It looks perfect! Don't see what's wrong." Iza said Ink winced as sweat rolls down his skull, as he grabs Iza's arm walking far away from the group to talk to her alone without their friends especially Error in the picture.

"Um...I just don't like short sleeved dresses." Ink said nervously to Iza, as she takes the dress from Ink, pondering on what to do.

"Hm. Well...I'll see what I can do, I'll ask Nightmare if he can fix this." Iza said giving Ink a reassuring smile, Ink smiles back as Iza walks away to look for Nightmare who was in the changing room fixing Shannon's button from her costume.

"Hey Nightmare, I have a little problem think you can fix it?" Iza said, Nightmare finished with Shannon as she thanked him and ran off with the other Iza hands the dress to Nightmare.

"Sure, what's the issue...oh." Nightmare signs as he gets up and goes to the closet room looking for something and comes back with another light blue dress with sleeves handing it to Iza.

"Here." Nightmare said as Iza sighs in relief and thanks the Prince of Nightmares.

"I thought in case Ink didn't like or want to wear Dream's dress I made my own with sleeves. We were going to ask Ink which dress but since he didn't come..." Nightmare said as Iza shrugs with a frown.

"Yeah I know he's just dealing with something complicated in the moment thank you." Iza said as Nightmare nods understanding as she left the changing room to look for Ink.

"Ink I have to great news! Here's the dress so this should make you comfortable." Iza said.

"Thank you!" Ink said happily as he left to leave his costume in his changing room after the special show is over.

"Okay..." Iza said, checking her phone for the time and smile brightly, "It's time! Okay everyone to your places in a line!" Iza exclaims as everyone in the group switch into their places as the staff begins to prepare the lights and the orchestra plays softly to silence.

The curtains open revealing Iza with a bright smile on her face, the light shining brightly upon her. "Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming!" Iza greeted as everyone began clapping.

"First we'll start off with our special show we put together, then we'll do our Play." Iza said.

"We hope you enjoy your stay and give a round of applause for Fresh!" Iza exclaims placing the microphone back to its holder then she leaves to the back stage as Fresh approaches with his guitar.

The light shining upon the skeleton, everyone clapping and cheering waiting for this monsters performance to begin.

The show will begin...

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