(4) New School, New people, and new friend?

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Ink's POV

Ms. Miles wanted us to work on a math packet with a partner, I looked around the classroom as I felt my anxiety kicking in, I looked behind me as Error just started working on his packet by himself I looked back at my packet, thinking if I can do this on my own...but...I don't know anymore.

'Okay...just take a deep breath and ask him if he can- if he wants to...be my partner for the math packet it can't be that complicated right? Right.' I thought to myself as I took a deep breath and turned around and tapping the Error's desk to get his attention He stops writing and looks up at me.

"Hey, Error I wanted to ask if you want to be my partner? You don't have to if you don't want to." I said thankfully I didn't stutter like an idiot.

"Sure." Error said with a smile as he got up taking his math packet and red pen and sat on the desk beside mine as we both worked together on our math packet.

It was awkward. We talked about numbers and solutions. Then silence.
I wanted to talk to try to break the Silence. Mostly I just wanted to gather all my courage to talk to Error so we can be friends...but I just didn't have it in me to do so. Agh! Why am I like this?

"So what do you think about this school so far?" Error said even though it's still the first period and I'm still trying to settle into my new school and...I'm not sure yet, what I think about this place.

"...um...well I like it so far, I still have a lot of unpacking to do after school," I said, placing my hand on my wrist scratching them with the fabric of my sleeves under the desk.

It's a bad habit of mine.

"I can stay after school and help you move  the boxes to your dorm and help you unpack." Error said while putting his packet and notebook in his red backpack zipping.

"...no thanks I don't want to be a bother," I said while I did the same putting my belongings I'm in my warn-out black backpack.

"No your not a bother, my bother and I will be happy to help you out I'm sure he won't mind." Error said as the two of us walk by the exit waiting for the bell to ring though other students were crowding the door, while some escapees who went through the door without waiting for the bell.

"...you Sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure of it, besides we have nothing to do back home." Error said with his red backpack on his shoulder with his hands in his pockets.

"...Fine I guess I do need help," I said unsure but...I was happy that Error insisted, maybe we CAN be friends, at least I won't be lonely here.

"Good I'll meet you after school at the office? Or?" Error asked.

"Um, I'll be at the Art club, you can find me there it's room 105 if that's alright with you? There are some things I need to pick up to my dorm." I said with a nervous smile.

"Yeah it's alright, We'll be there." Error said with a smile, then the bell rang. Error looked at the time and unlocked his phone and gave it to me and I was confused but then I realized, with a small smile I unlocked my phone and we both exchanged phone numbers and gave back our phones back to their rightful owners.

"See ya later Ink it was nice meeting ya." Error said as he waved at me putting his phone in his pockets.

"Bye," I said with a small tired smile, Maybe things will turn up in this new school. I hope so.

To be continued.

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant