A/N: Tag I'm It !

389 10 38

My Stepdad and my mom are working things out now...mom said it's his last chance if he drinks again it's over and they will have a divorce. I think mom is serious about this, this time. Hopefully he won't drink again or else things will get ugly.

Most importantly I want to Thank you guys for your kind support! You guys are amazing! Thank you for having to deal with my crap and for your kind words! It's been a rough year for me but I can deal with it and get over them thanks for the encouragement! And support!

1) Undertale34 tagged me thx!

2) About Me!
1-I love reading stories, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, fanfic's, end of the world stories, and the Bible.
2-I love parrots and birds of any kind! It's my soft spot! When I'm a old lady I'll be surrounded by parrots. LOTS OF THEM!!! And when I die I want my children to take care of my babies while my soul is resting. If they don't I'll haunt them for their entire lives 🙂.
3-I'm Hispanic, my parents are from El Salvador. I was born on April 15, 2000 in the United States, Washington DC.
4-I don't like fake people.
5- I hate people who do stupid choices and don't admit that they are wrong only to blame their poor choices on other people.
6-My old username here on Wattpad use to be TheFREAKonTheScreen1 but I changed it to IM-TheFREAK001 because it's shorter. And I like it....
7-I don't like roaches they scare me.
8-My favorite Undertale AU sans is Error!Sans
9-I am almost done with High school and off to college to become a nurse (maybe later on I'll do animation on YouTube, I have a project I am working on in a separate account I recently created, it's still here on this account as well but I want to create my own original story.)
10-I want to move to another country or state with my family. I want to move somewhere else to start a new life all over again. Where there is no familiar faces around, Only my family.

3) Tag 20 people!

4) Tell a Joke!
The Husband found a picture of a man that his wife has hidden and with the picture in his hand he confronts his wife about the photo in Anger. "Who is this man in this photo?! Who is he to you?! Your ex? Your lover?!" He yelled at his wife who was cooking as she jumps and turns and looks at him scared look on her face.

"What?! No!! No I would never cheat on you!" She exclaims, she is always faithful with her husband. "Then explain to me why the fuck you have this picture of a another man!?" He said showing the picture of the man.

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