(30) Let the show begin! PT 2

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"Next up is Dust and Blue!" Iza announces as the two skeletons walk on the stage as the audience began clapping.

Dust and Blue were on stage the light shining upon the two, "Hello everyone! I'm Blue!" Blue said excited, "I'm Dust." He said.

"We're a couple and we been dating for awhile now, we both like this song so...we thought why not sing a song that we both enjoy since we both started Dating!" Blue said as he blushed holding Dust hand who also blushed.

Dust:"We were staying in Paris
To get away from your parents."

Dust and Red were walking through the hallways looking for Error and Ink only to see three new skeletons he hasn't seen before.

"Hello! I'm Blueberry! And They are my friends! Dream! And Nightmare! We're waiting for Ink!"Said Blue excitedly with blue stars glowing within his sockets.

"I'm Dust." He introduced himself shaking Blue's hand as Blue blushed his cheekbones glowing blue.

"And I thought,"Wow, if I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that
we could work this out."

Dust and Blue sat together in partners working on their classwork in the laptop for a presentation, Dust did his best to make Blue laugh only to have realize that Blue wasn't a fan of puns, Dust laughed at Blue's reaction at every pun he came up with.

"Out on the terrace
I don't know if it's fair but I thought,
"How could I let you fall by yourself
While I'm wasted with someone else?"

Dust waved goodbye to Blue who was in Error's car with his friends to go home, they drove away as Dust face fell walking his way back "home" looking at the trees he passed by then looking at the blue blooming flowers reminding him of his friend Blue.

Dust made it to the gate of his house a feeling of anger filling his soul, walking straight to the door step of his house with his keys opening the door of his house only to be hit with a smell of a horrible stench of alcohol of his mother who was passed out drunk again on the couch. Dust rolls his eye lights going upstairs to his room locking the door behind him.

"If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever."

"Dusty please I-I'm sorry please don't leave me!" Dust's mother cried blocking the entrance her son pushed her away harshly trying to desperately to get out this hell hole.

Dust's mother with desperation consuming her soul hugging her son who she have hurt by "accident" again.

"Don't touch me!" Dust yelled pushing her to the floor, once she hit the floor the teen skeleton slamming the door open and ran outside, running to the street Dust felt tears roll down his face mixed with the blood pouring out of his one left eye socket his soul quickly pounding within him but he kept running far away from "home".

"If we go down then we go down together, We'll get away with everything
Let's show them we are better,
Let's show them we are better,
Let's show them we are better."

Together Forever (ErrorXInk)_💜Where stories live. Discover now