(17) My little Moon PT 1

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🎂Happy 3rd Birthday UNDERTALE 🎂

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🎂Happy 3rd Birthday UNDERTALE 🎂

Nightmare's POV

"And they lived happily ever after." Mother said as she closed the book, and smiles at us.
"I love happy endings!" Dream said with a happy smile, mother who was sitting on a green wooden chair with a book on her lap.

"I do too My Little Star." Mother said with a smile, she stands up and walks to the side of the bed, she gives me a skele-kiss of Goodnight.

"Goodnight my little Moon, I love you." Mother said as she smiled. My mommy is the most beautiful. The kindest...she has the prettiest smile.

"Goodnight mommy, I love you too," I said with a smile, her eye light brightens with happiness, She goes to where my brother Dream, and gives him a Goodnight skele-kiss.

"Goodnight my little Star, I love you." Mother said, "G-Goodnight mommy. I-I love you too." Dream said with trouble saying words.

Mother puts the book with the others on the bookshelf, She walks to the center between my bed on the left and Dream's bed on the right, in that empty gap in the middle there was a shelf attached to the wall where her childhood music box she always plays before she leaves us to sleep.

Mother winds the music box, then the music begins to play. She turns on the night light illuminating our room with shaped like stars and one that is shaped like the moon.

"I love you both with all my heart." Mother said by the door and turning off the lights, and slightly leaves the door open.

The music box continued to play until it finished I almost drifted to sleep but then...

I heard the house phone ring downstairs.

"What do you want?" Mother said with negativity. I sense her negativity...It must be father...I hope she doesn't let him in again, he's always mad all the time.

"I already told you, you had your chance. You crossed the line, First you hurt me then you hurt Nightmare." Mother said, I sat up from my bed wrapping myself in my purple blanket as my feet slip into my fluffy slippers, I then looked over to see Dream fast asleep.

I smiled and kissed my twin on his forehead, and left our bedroom and walked to the hallway to the stairs and sat on the stairs in the shadows, and began listening.

"No. Stay away from me and my sons. We don't need you, our home has been so peaceful now that your gone, if you do I'll have a restraining order on you." Mother said her voice cracking on the verge of crying, as she slammed the phone hard.

I stand up and walking down the stairs, to the living room there are a lot of moving boxes everywhere, since father got kicked out of our house...mommy started to pack all of our belongings in boxes. She said we're moving to a new house, I found mommy crying. She was sitting on her chair by the dinner table with her hands on her face.

"Mommy?" I said as she looks up and wiping her tears quickly putting up a smile, "Oh My little Moon, did I wake you? I'm sorry." Mother said as I hugged mommy.

"No. I couldn't sleep." I said as she smiled.

"Come here." She said with open arms, walking up to mommy and hugging her, she sat me on her lap. I started thinking.

"Why are you sad?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing just squandering my tears on useless things. Don't worry about me, that's my job to worry for you two." Mother said.

"What's squandering?" I asked as I looked at her confused.

"Squandering means waste." Mother said.

"Oh...why couldn't you just say that?" I asked as she smiled.

"It's better to say words that others don't know what they mean to confuse them...it's a way to calm a situation when arguing with someone it changes the conversation." Mother said as I thought and then my mind clicked.

"Hey, you doing that to me! You changing the subject." I said she then tickled me as I giggled.

"Hehehheheh! alright! Alright, you got me." Mother said with a giggle as she picks me up in her arms, "Now let's make you a warm glass of milk and some cookies then off to bed, you need a lot of rest so you can grow tall and stronger than mommy." Mother said as she had me on her hip as she warmed me a glass of milk with a single hand.

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"Goodnight my little Moon." Mother said with a smile as she tucked me into bed.

"But I can't sleep," I whispered.

"I can sing you a lullaby." Mother offers.

"Okay," I said as I hug my stuffed teddy bear.

"In songs, when the tree's sings. When the wind blows... you're a flower, your a river. A rainbow...I loved you the first time I saw you, and I'll always love you...Goodnight my little Moon, sleep dreams." Mommy said as I drifted to sleep.

To be continued.

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