Chapter 10:

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My Alpha Mate is My Enemy Too

Chapter 10:

Austin's Pov:

It's been a week since Jenny went missing. Her family was besides themselves worrying. I was so angry and full of rage; so much so, that I would just snap at anyone who even tried to comfort me. We received word from her father 5 hours after he couldn't locate her, he said that her scent stopped just before the borderline of their pack. Whoever took her knew what they were doing. Knowing that just made me more determined to get them. Since we were mates, I knew she wasn't in any pain but, her mind link was being blocked.

I had my best men on the lookout and had search parties for her every night this past week. I'd even asked other packs' permission to search their land for her. Yet there was not a single trace of her around, not a single trace. It was like she'd just disappeared. I asked her father if there were any threats brought against her, but he couldn't think of anyone who would want to take her or hurt her in any way.

The frustration I felt at the lack of results or information about her was really getting me on edge.

Jake's Pov:

After returning from my late night shift, I entered the kitchen and got engulfed in a giant hug by Nicky. Ever since Jenny went missing, I hardly got the chance to see her, so I hugged her back tightly.

"I'm sorry, I just miss you so much!" She whispered.

"I miss you too angel, but there's still no trace of her," I said, knowing that, that would be her next question.

"Austin's taking this really bad, especially since he knows she's not harmed, but, she still isn't safe," she told me.

"I don't blame him. If that was you, I would be the same. Please Nicky, don't go anywhere alone. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you," I told her, honestly.

"Oh Jake.. I'm fine, don't you worry about me. Go on up and rest easy, okay?"she said told me softly, leaning forward and kissing me gently on my cheek.

I was just about to fall off to sleep when I heard a high-pitched scream that sounded like Nicky. So, I raced downstairs to see what was going, just in time to see Nicky helping Austin into a chair. He looked seriously beat up.

"What the hell happened to you ?"I asked.

"A rouge attacked me when I was out patrolling the dams on the West End. It only happened because at that moment I just caught a link from Jenny, saying she's alright but I must tell her father it's to do with the plans for his land. I couldn't make heads or tails of that so I was still trying to piece things together and I didn't see him sneak up. I tried to ask her what was she was going on about, he just caught me off guard, but I got rid of him,"said Austin, after wincing in pain as Nicky was cleaning his cuts.

After what seemed like hours, we all went back to bed, while Austin, his dad and Nicky went over to the Moonstone Pack. I offered to go along but, they said I needed to rest and I seriously was tired, so I didn't argue. I went upstairs and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Jenny's Pov:

It was Hunter.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed at him intercepting me on my run.

"I'm so sorry, but I need your help,"He replied.

Next thing I knew, someone quietly came up behind me and the second I turned around, something hit me straight and heavily on my head.

I awoke in a dark, but very comfortable room. The curtains were closed so I didn't know whether it was day or night, but I knew I wasn't at home. I tried linking with my pack or Austin. Since he was my mate, the link should have been strong.. But there was nothing, it was like my mind was blocked.

"Aah, you're finally awake! Come along dear, breakfast is downstairs. I saved you some blueberry pancakes," said a lovely old lady.

"I'm sorry, but where am I? And, why can't I link with my pack? And what do you mean breakfast? What day is it?" I asked in a rush.

"In the Stark Pack, my dear. Hunter brought you here last night, and any communication was cut for your own safety. Please, don't be afraid, we aren't going to hurt you. We just need your help," answered the sweet lady.

Under other circumstances, I would demand to be let go, but instinct was telling there was more to this and that I should stay and try to find out what was going on. Therefore, I just nodded and followed the lady downstairs.

"I'm Elaina," the lady told me.

"I'm Jenny," I said smiling back.

This was going to be a long day

Lots of Love


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Let me know what you guys think? What the reason for kidnapping? and will her family find her?

Stay Tuned! 

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