Chapter 21:

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My Alpha Mate is my enemy too

Chapter 21:

Austin's P.O.V:

"This is serious. We have to alert the entire Pack! I need everyone on their best defense! This war must end soon, for we cannot live in this fear all the time".

"I agree, son. What's the plan?" Asked my father.

"First, I want a pack meeting, including our females. Nicky and Ashley will help with the female training program. I, and the boys will take up all the male warriors. As well as a curfew for the kids. I need all your maps on our area, we need to figure some stuff out," I said in a rush.

After a few moments, everyone rushed into action, gathering what was needed. Nicky and Ashley already informed me they had taken care of the female-warrior wolves. I just hope we're doing enough.

And I hope Jenny is fine as well.

Jason's P.O.V:

Total chaos erupted in the Adam's pack with the threat of an imminent attack. They were all out, fully preparing for the war that was to come. This of course put our little issue, on a back burner. Not that I mind, but I would like a chance to speak to Alpha Stark with Drake. This issue has gone on too long and needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

"Hey Drake, I'm going to go over to Stark pack, I want to speak to the Alpha. Are you coming?" I asked him, even though I knew he would say no since his pack was in danger.

"I can't. Not now. There are more important things that have to be dealt with right now. But, you're old enough to make your own decisions and I won't stop you. But, please be careful and keep your mind linked with Austin or myself. Don't do anything rash, please," he tried to reason. I could feel the helplessness behind his words, so I nodded and left.

Time to confront my past.

Stark territory

Hunter's P.O.V:

I felt a presence, an intruder my mind alerted me. But his scent is someone I must know.."Guys, be on high alert. Someone's entered our ground. Look for him or her and bring them here, "I ordered in my Alpha tone. I was in my office when my Beta entered with Jason, an old wolf-mate. We used to train together.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I came to see your father. It's personal, "he said. I looked at him carefully for a moment. At times like this, I had learned, the hard way, that it was better to be very wary. But, I could see that this was important. And at times like this, sometimes, exceptions have to be made.

"Okay, wait here and I will call him," I said decisively. I could see he was no danger and this matter was serious, I mean he came all this way.

*"Dad, Jason's here to see you. Seems urgent. He's waiting in my office,"*I said.

*" I'll be there in a few minutes,"* he replied.

Meanwhile in the Moonstone Pack:

Jenny's P.O.V:

I didn't hear any news from either the Stark or the Adam Pack, it was making me semi-nervous, I really hope everything is alright. Also, because of my stupid wolfness, I couldn't get Austin's warmth out of my mind. Having him next to me was unbelievable. Just him being there, as distracting as it was, really was comforting. I felt safe. He made me realize the meaning of what a mate is. They really are the perfect, complimenting half of you. Without the half, the other will perish.

That made me think back to the challenges I wanted him to face. It was just a month from now. But with everything that had happened, would the tournament still continue? I decided to ask my dad about it.

"Hey dad, was just wondering if I could talk to you about something?" I asked him when I popped by his office.

"Of course, sweetheart, what's on your mind?" He asked.

I shuffled from one foot to the other, "Well, do you think the tournament will still go on? I mean we're so busy with Rogues, we've forgotten about it" I said.

Dad laughed, "It will continue whether we attend or not! This tradition has been implemented for wolves for many years! Have you thought of any challenges for Austin yet? It's only a month away," He asked kindly.

"I was just thinking about that. I need to speak to grandpa. Do you think I could catch him at home?" I asked.

"I'm sure you will. And perhaps you'll bump into some of the nurses he keeps calling to deal with his so called 'colds' ," my dad said, laughing.

My grandfather, Oliver, was one of the most fierce and funny old people I know. He's my mother's father. Quite the charmer and he just loves visiting our clinic to flirt with the nurses. I guess it's time he knew his favorite granddaughter has found her mate! He didn't know about Austin since he had been out of town, I've been avoiding this for a while, because I didn't have a clue on how he would react to what I was about to tell him.

"Hey grandpa, how you feeling today?" I said, after knocking and entering his small flat near our pack house. He had refused to stay with us saying he needs his "space".

"Well, hello to my gorgeous granddaughter! Come here and give your grandpa some love," he said, a broad smile plastered on his face. I gave him a big bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You look just like your mother when she was your age! Absolutely stunning, sweetheart! Must have all the young men in a tizz!" he said.

I blushed, "Thanks, grandpa!"

"So, what brings you down to my humble abode? I know it's not to check up on how my trip was!" he says, with a glint in his eyes.

I paused for a moment, wondering how to say the words. Then, I took a deep breath, fast and quick, like a Band-Aid, I thought.

"I found my mate grandpa. He's... uhm. He's from the Adam pack. He's their new Alpha," I said all in one breath.

Grandpa stared for a moment into space, as if the words were still registering, "Well, my granddaughter sure knows how to get the good looking ones! You know, in my day I was quite a catch, according to the nurses, I still am!" He laughed at that,"Well, does this Alpha have a name?" He asked.

"Austin," I said quietly.

"Well, I'll be damned! That one's a heck of a fighter. The moon goddess sure has blessed us with a strong grandson-in-law! But do you like him sweetheart? Because that's what matters most to me," he said.

"He's so amazing grandpa! But, I want to make sure he's worth it, so I kind of set a challenge for him at the tournament. You know, like what you did to challenge dad when it was for mom's hand. I was hoping you would help me come up with some challenges, "I say.

"Darling, I set those impossible challenges so that I could test how far your dad's love for your mom was! But, I was being harsh, I really set him up to fail. And fail he did, dismally!" Grandpa let out a huge laugh. "But, the look of his eyes, every time he saw your mother convinced me that those challenges weren't anything but tasks to test his wolf. And, also to test your mother. To see if she was ready to be a Luna. This should be a was of self discovery for the two of you. Get together, play, fight but most importantly, figure out if you love him.

After the visit to my grandpa, I was still a little confused, but I could see the sentiments of what he was saying.

Guess I was so absorbed in pack matters, I lost touch with the fun part of finding my mate. The joy and love that we both shared, that our wolves shared! Well, that's all going to stop now.

I'm going to plan a day we won't ever forget.

Author Note:

Aww don't we just love Grandpa! He is just too Cute! 

Woah poor Jason is caught? what is going to happen?



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Lots of Love


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