Chapter 11:

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My Alpha Mate is My Enemy Too

Chapter 11:

Hunter's Pov:

My Pack and I sat down for Miss Ginger's a.k.a. Elaine's, famous pancakes. When she entered the room with Jenny Moonstone, I quickly mind linked with my Pack urging them to stand to pay respects to the Alpha Female of the Moonstone pack.We all stood and greeted her. From her facial expression I could see she was shocked, which made me smile. She obviously held a very bad opinion of us, which I hoped to change soon!

Jenny's Pov:

As I entered the kitchen area, the entire Pack of Stark stood up to greet me. I was shocked, I mean come on, they kidnapped me! Now they were acting as if I was a guest here! I saw an empty seat next to Hunter and decided to get straight to the point. I needed to go home, my parents and Austin must be beside themselves!

Hunter's Pov:

She walked over and sat next to me, before she could start with her tirade -which, I just knew was coming- I gave a simple statement.

"I'm so sorry about all this.. But, I need your help please," I pleaded with her.

Back to the Moonstone Pack:

April's Pov:

Ever since Jenny's disappearance, Chad has been insisting on completing the mating process, meaning put his mark on me. I knew that eventually we would have to do it, but I can't think of myself, when my best friend is out there, in Heaven knows where! And, to make matters worse, the stupid guys from our warrior team, attempted to flirt with me (meaning they would flirt and I would just ignore), making Chad's wolf even more wild and that lead to many internal Pack fights.

I guess I should have known this would happen since we have been together for two years, but I've just been too preoccupied with trying to solve the 'Missing Jenny' problem, and I just put him off. As a result, he's now angry at me and refuses to take any of my calls.

Just as I was about to leave the pack house for a run, I saw the Adam Pack going into the Alpha's office. After around five minutes, I was called to come to the office through a mind link from Jenny's Father, our Alpha. I entered and saw Austin and his family, so I greeted them and seated myself, listening to what they had to say

I was so furious at what I heard that I immediately wanted to storm over to the Stark Pack and give that Hunter a beating!

"Stop! April, you get back in here this minute and I expect you, of all people, to obey!"Ordered Alpha Moonstone.

So, I sat down again, fuming.

"I just want to make one thing clear. If the Stark Pack does have her, we will take immediate action but, by diplomacy. A war is not something I wish to initiate. Do I make myself clear!" Order Alpha Moonstone.

We all nodded, even though I'm sure that Austin and his family aren't as much affected by this as we were, but they respected our Alpha's decision since it is his daughter. So, over the next few minutes, we all listened to the Alpha's side of the conversation as he got in Contact with the Stark Pack.

This is what we heard:

"Hello. May I please speak To Alpha Stark immediately? This is Alpha Moonstone."

A pause.

"What do you mean he's unavailable! Tell him this is very important!"

Another pause.

"Yes? Well, hello Hunter. Yes okay, but I want her back immediately! Okay, fine."

At this point I couldn't take it any longer, so I started pacing the room joining Austin.

"Jenny! Are you ok? What? Are you sure? Okay, here she is!" Said Alpha Moonstone, and he looked at me, saying she wanted to speak to me.

"Hey, Stranger! What happened?"I asked.

"Listen, I haven't got much time, but I need you to do me a favor and come fetch me. I don't want my dad or Austin to come, they'd just fight. Oh, and bring some clothes for me as well. I'll meet you at the border. I'll explain everything once I'm back, just know I'm fine, okay? And, tell Austin I miss him!" Said Jenny quickly and cut the call.

I was stunned. What was that all about? Everyone was looking at me weirdly, so, I narrated a shortened version of what she'd told me and that I want to honor what I said I would do and I expected no one to follow me. They agreed, rather reluctantly.

I could see hurt in Austin's eyes from not getting to speak to her. I knew what he was feeling, so I went over to him and whispered, "She sent a special message for you; she says she misses you."

As soon as I left the office, I ran over to Chad's place. As soon as he opened the door, I hugged him and told him the good news.

"And.. I'm ready to be marked, but after I know Jenny's back safe and sound, okay?"

"I'm so happy Jenny is fine.. I'm really sorry for being such an asshole, and I will wait. There's no pressure, okay? I love you," he told me, kissing me on my forehead.

Drake Pov:

After hearing what actually had happened to Jenny, I was relieved to hear she coming back and beyond pissed at the Stark Pack. So Jake, Austin and I decided we should show them, especially Hunter, at the battle coming up who they mustn't mess with next time.

As I left to go to my room, I saw Ashley in the pack lounge watching a movie. I haven't spent much time with her since we agreed to take it slow, so I decided, I might as well start now. I tried to seem casual as I entered the lounge, but I ended up tripping over a toy, that one of the kids must have left, so I landed on my bum.

Laughing at my little accident, Ashley rushed over and asked if I was fine. I acted like my ankle was twisted so that she had to help pick me up. She helped me over to the couch and put up the 'twisted' ankle' leg, on the table.

"So, I'm guessing you're not as big and bad as I was told, if you could trip over a baby's toy and hurt your leg," she teased me laughing.

I love her laugh," You have an amazing laugh .. Uhm... About the leg... "I started trying to say, but I was cut off by her kissing me. It was the most intoxicating and sweet kiss, I tried to deepen it but she pulled away and smiled shyly," I think I'd better get some ice for your leg," she said and ran away before I could stop her.

I love this girl..

Author Note:

Lots of Love 


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