Chapter 14:

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My Alpha Mate is My Enemy Too

Chapter 14:

Hunter's Pov:

After Jenny left, I decided it was high time we started protecting our land. First, we started by training our young and capable warriors, including the female wolfs. I called a meeting with the Pack and informed them of my plans, they were all in agreement, even my Father who is still Alpha till the next moon, which is only a few days away, agreed that this was the best way forward.

After the meeting, my father called me to his office. "I know what you did, and to be honest I'm glad you approached her. Hopefully, with the Moonstone pack's help, we may be able to rebuild our Pack. I'm extremely proud of you even if I don't tell you. The move you have just taken is a step I couldn't take due to my pride. I seen now that it was a mistake.. I'm not proud of all my actions lately.. But, you must understand, we've always been one of the Powerful Three and to need help is a foreign concept to me.. But, I'm willing to swallow my pride and help you where my help is needed. I'm putting my faith in you and I know you won't let me down," said my father.

"Thanks Father. As your son, I understand and I'm also proud of where you have brought our Pack. If it wasn't for you, we would still be under the shadows and no one would take us seriously. With you by my side, I can face anything. Come on dad, let's go practice and make our pack one of the best again!" I said with confidence, knowing that now, I've got my father on my side.

Over the next couples of days we were put through rigorous training sessions, with running, combat- in both, human and wolf form, as well as weightlifting. During this my Beta (second in command) and third was chosen. They were my two best friends and we ensured that we'd be the best. After that meeting, I felt warm knowing that my Pack would be supportive of this plan, I could already see a change in their attitudes. Making everything seem much happier than before.

Stefen, my Beta and best friend came running from his patrol duties one afternoon. He had received word that the Adams Pack was hosting a tournament battle. My father thought it would be good practice so he sent word back that we accept.

Day before tournament:

At the break of dawn, we set out to go into the Adam Pack's teritory. We were half-way there, when we were attacked by the Rouge pack. We put up a great fight and had overpowered them, capturing the perpetrators in the process. After a little bit of an interrogation, we found out they knew about Jenny and had already sent someone from their pack, to take care of her. I was furious, turning into my wolf, I raced toward the Adam's Pack. Hoping she was okay.

Stefen and Frank (my third in command) also turned into their wolves and followed. We were all very protective of her since we'd had the opportunity to meet her. She was like a sister to us.

We arrived, just in times to see that Austin had already defeated the guy they had sent. I turned back into human form and wore my jeans. I was still shirtless and walked over to where Austin who was talking to Jenny,"I will explain", I said to the both of them. I could see by their facial expression they hadn't noticed my arrival. "This is not Jenny's fault. This guy is from a Pack called Rouges. They've been a Pack who have, for many years been after the white wolf. According to legend, white wolfs have special abilities, and they want its power. They've been attacking my Pack and just found out about Jenny somehow. I think it's time we teamed up to protect her,"I said to Austin.

"Agreed. But, I'm training her. She is my mate and I want all the info you got on these guys. Jake and Drake, take this guy and see if you can find out what was he supposed to do!"ordered Austin.

I watched as two blond-ash looking guys took the prisoner. I was pretty surprised at Austin agreeing with me, I thought it would take much more convincing.

Austin's Pov:

"I want the truth, Jenny,"I told her as I stared into her green eyes.

*"I can't.. It's not my place to say! Please, Austin, don't ask me! I'm sorry but, this is personal. I must do it on my own,I'm a Alpha and need to take care of my Pack, I need to prove my worth. I don't need rescuing!"* pleaded Jenny through her mind link with me.

*"Then atleast let me help you in someway! You can't just expect me to sit back and do nothing,"* I said back.*"It's an attack against a white wolf,and the Stark Pack is involved, but, not in the way you're thinking! They're as much of a victim as I am!"*she said. My wolf was not pleased.

Just then Hunter come. He started explaining the entire drama to me. I could see now what Jenny was trying to say and why she didn't want to get me involved. That's why I want this truce. I would do anything to ensure her safety. After giving orders to the twins, I quickly mind linked my father and Nicky, *"Problem arose. Please be alert, and secure the Pack will be home soon to explain"*i told them quickly and blocked my mind before they could reply. "Jenny, before you think I'm taking over, all I'm asking is to train you. What you do with your training is up to you. Just allow this truce, it's just to give me peace of mind knowing there are two Packs to back your safety. I'm sure Hunter feels the same,"I said.

Hunter nodded, "We care because you're our saviour and our friend," Hunter told her.

*"I love you. But why do you have to emotionally blackmail me! I agree, but you need to discuss my training with Chad. he's our best,"*she mindlinked to me.

I just nodded and smiled, this should be fun.

"Hey Chad! I'm going to help train Jenny with you, "I yelled to him.

"That's fine by me!" He replied, Jenny shot him a glare, he shrugged. Now, to explain this to dad.. Not going to be the best of conversations.

Jenny's Pov:

I just love it when Austin takes charge. But, did he need to blackmail me?! I'm glad about the truce.. This allows me the opportunity to help Hunter's Pack without having to worry about Austin not approving. I should have known he would be agreeable. He's amazing! And, damn, he looks so amazing without his shirt on! I couldn't help noticing. Stop thinking that, Jenny! I thought, blushing. I looked away to hide the flush in my cheeks, but from the smirk he gave me back, I knew he knew because he smirked, again. His lips looked so kissable..

Austin's Pov:

I want to kiss her so bad! I could just see the same feelings I felt, burning in her eyes. My wolf was in an absolute frenzy, "Damn,"I said, pulling her close, I kissed her!

Author Note: 

Aw what a kiss? right guys?


Instagram: MIZSATHAR

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Lot of Love


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