Chapter 34:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too


Plans are put in place after meeting Caroline, whose a witch and Drake needed to tell Ashley about his past.

Chapter 34:

*Jake: hey Nicky, we on our way back, don't tell anyone, and please be careful, I love you*

*Nicky: okay can't wait to see you! Hurry up, and things are hectic! Jenny got attacked*

*Jake: what!? Is she okay?*

*Nicky: She's okay, but just riled up and Austin not taking it well, he needs you guys*

After mind linking with Nicky, I knew we had to hurry back, I had a bad feeling, I can't believe they attacked her! Poor Austin he must be beside himself

Drake and Jason couldn't understand my rush and I couldn't tell them I was still talking to Nicky, they won't understand, it's my duty as the beta, to make sure my pack is well even if I am away.

Arriving at the Pack house and I rushed over to Austin, and what a shouting we got! Guess he needed to blow off his frustration on us. We couldn't explain yet where we went but promised to tell him everything eventually but I wanted to know about the attack

Ofcouse the guys and Austin were shocked I knew, and I told them I had my sources.

Me: Tell me how bad is it? was anyone else hurt?

Austin: Luckily no one else, Jenny was incredibly brave, she and her friends went for a picnic and upon returning got attacked, but it wasn't from the rogues..Someone else is trying to get the white wolf power!

Me: there's other people now! Shit this ain't good! Okay listen Austin, you need to go to Jenny and prepare for a journey, get her parents to approve and bring Chad along, there's no time to waste, I will handle things here, and Austin I'm sorry man I will be here from now onward.

Austin: Journey to where?

Me: Black wood forest, now go, I will explain later. 

I gather the guys and tell them what needs to be done.

Me: Alpha Adam I need to speak to you privately *I don't look directly in his eyes out of respect

Alpha Adam: Yes boy what is it?

Me: We found a witch, and before you say anything I am as skeptical as you are but we got no choice, she wants to meet with Austin and Jenny, Drake and Jason and few others will go, I will stay and with your help station security, I hope you understand, it's time we took a stand.

Alpha Adam: Okay assemble all our best fighters and I will hold a meeting. And good job Jake, my daughter got a good mate, make her proud.

This is the first time he has really acknowledge that I am his daughter mate, which filled me with pride, that I had his approval.

Drake and Ashley went for a little talk while they waited for Austin to get back.

*Jake: hurry alpha, all will be explained, just trust me*

*Austin: I do, we will be there soon*

Alpha Adam P.O.V:

After seeing Jake in action, I decided to do something myself, I phoned my sister.

Me: Hey sis, it's me

Sis: I know how are you?

Me: I'm fine, there's been an attack on Jenny, She and Austin are making a trip, I need you and your husband to prepare for war, we need all the forces, there's another pack wanting her power.

Sis: ofcouse I will tell him, and please be careful, and keep me updated.

After chatting for few minutes and realizing that Hunter mate is human, could prove to be a bit of a problem but she has faith her son can deal with it, and knowing my nephew I'm sure he can.

Hunter P.O.V:

After checking on my mate once again, she looked so sweet asleep, she's been taking things really well.

And she kind of knows about me being a wolf, but not the actual leader, I hope she will accept me.

I was so busy with her and her friends, I neglected my duties, but luckily my pack understood and did a splendid job of taking care of things.

Me: hey mom, I'm hungry, hey what's wrong? Who was that?

Mom: That was my brother, Jenny was attacked, but she's okay,she and Austin are traveling somewhere, Hunter it's time you and your father knew something.. I never told anyone.. Meet me with your dad by the river later okay.

Me: You sure she's okay? I been so busy! I cannot believe how neglectful I have been of my duties, I am sorry... *Feeling mad at myself

Mom: It's not your fault okay, we need to prepare for war , it's time we all stood against these forces

Me: Forces?

Mom: There's been a new discovery, another pack attacked her...There's something about being a white wolf that attracts power hungry wolfs...

I was shocked, there's more!what does my mother mean before I could ask further she left, so after gathering everyone I told them about the attack and our way forward.

While later me and my father joined my mom by the river to hear her side of the story.

Author note:

Wonder whatelse is there to know?
And who was this new attacker?

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