Chapter 40:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 40:

Austin P.O.V:

I knew the minute she asked to speak to me, she had already made her decision. She want to do the spell, rather risk herself, than anyone else. I can understand her reason, but I can't stand the idea of losing her. We didn't get a chance to date, to mate, get married and have babies. Nothing is certain, even if the spell is done would it stop the spell from backfiring and still end the supernatural? All these questions were going through my head.

Me: You want to do it right?

Jenny: Yes (softly) I love you, and I know the risks but it could help us..

Me: Help! You kidding right, we could lose our lives, I...I could lose you! I can't! No damnit! We didn't even get a chance to enjoy a normal mating! Why in hell is it us that's punished! We already got so much on our plate and now this!

Jenny: I know, I love you too but if we don't, we still die...

Me: Fine than let's get married, let us mate today!

Jenny: what?! Are you crazy...we...we not ready Austin

Me: I will only agree to this ridicules idea if we get married, and it has to be tonight, I don't care! I love you and I know you love me, I don't see a reason to wait, we only got these few moments to ourselves, and I won't be spending it fighting with you!

Jenny: but, dad will never go for it...

Me: leave me to deal with the parents, you gather all your buddies and get your dress ready, and get all the pampering you need, that's if you agree, I won't force you...

Jenny: you serious...Okay I will marry you! I love you too, and just tell your pack and our parents, I would like to tell my friends myself and my pack.

Me: deal

After splitting up, I hurried home to break the news I just hope they don't ask too many questions, we don't have a lot of time till sundown and I want to get married by sunset, would be the perfect moment to legalize our mating.

Once I told my parents and the family, to my surprise they were overjoyed, all jumped to help us. Even my parents offered to tell Jenny's', but I wanted to do it myself, I want to earn their trust, and I am going to do this right.

After sorting out the food, my clothes, Nicky and Ashley offered to get my room ready for us tonight and the guys were organizing the braai. My father says if it's fine with Alpha moonstone he would like to marry us, it would honor me to have my father marry us. After dealing with addressing my Pack, I hurried over to talk to Jenny's parents.

Me: I would like to talk to you Alpha and Luna Moonstone, in private?

Luna Moonstone: No problem Austin, come on in, Jenny just left in a rush with the girls and Chad, would you like some tea?

Me: Thanks but I would rather get something off my chest...

Alpha Moonstone: Go ahead son

Me: I would like your permission to marry your daughter tonight, I know it's short notice, but I love her and want to make her mine. I understand the strain it could cause, and that we young, but we both agree before we are mated, we want to be legal, I won't do anything without your permission sir?

Alpha Moonstone: I appreciate your honesty son, but what's the rush, as you said you two are young and we still have to join the packs before your mating?

Luna Moonstone: oh honey, don't you see the two lovies want to be in the safety of marriage, it's clear of their love, did you see the happiness on Jenny's face, I didn't see her this excited in a while, she will always be our Daughter, but it's time for them to make the decision

Alpha Moonstone: But she is my baby girl! I wanted to give her away in a big wedding, not some quick function!

Luna Moonstone: whatever way we give our daughter will be like no other I promise, now put the poor boy in peace and agree! Oh I got so much to plan, does your parents know?

Me: yes Mam

Luna Moonstone: aw call me mom, welcome to the family Austin (giving him a quick hug before leaving to phone my mom)

Alpha Moonstone: Well Austin, I always respect you, and know you going to be a good mate and husband to my daughter, and you have our blessing. But look after her with your life, I don't want to see a single tear come from her, you got it

Me: yes sir, I promise

After discussing the arrangements, I headed back, because Jenny needed to get ready and I couldn't see her until tonight. Bummer I wanted to tell her how well everything was going.

Hunter P.O.V:

After breakfast, my mother came screaming with Joy, she never looked so excited in her life. Seems we finally got some good news.

Me: hey mom what got you so happy, spread some joy here!

Mom: Oh darling, its great news, Jenny and Austin are tying the knot tonight, It was just Luna Moonstone with the good news, isn't that wonderful. A wedding during this crisis, just what we needed.

Me: That's great, I am really happy for them, Mom if you wanted a wedding so badly you could have just asked, I would have gotten married (winking)

Mom: oh shh I don't want to be a grandma already, I am much too young for that

Me: by getting married doesn't mean I will have babies

Mom: oh my baby boy is so naïve at times, the first time you mate with your other half, the possibility of pregnancy is high, and since you an Alpha it doubles the chances.

Me: (blushing) oh I didn't realize thanks mom

After finishing our meal, I headed over to Austin's to see if they needed any help, might as well be useful

That's when I got a mind link from my beta, guess who found her way back to my house, Natasha. Looks like I do have a date for Austin and Jenny's wedding, that's if she agrees.

Author note:

Wow, wow their wedding day has finally arrived! Let's hope it goes on without any hiccups

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Lots of love


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