Chapter 46:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 46:

Jenny P.O.V:

My senses are heighten, I feel like I just got a shot of red bull in my system (energy boost by million, pulses ten time more)...My blood felt hot...I was burning up

When I open my eyes, I saw Chad concern face...all I could think of is where Austin, he was suppose to be here.

Me: where Austin?

Chad: the rogues are on the he went to lead them...he couldn't stand to watch you in pain?

Me: in pain...I didn't feel anything...what you mean rogue attacked, the tournament not for few days right?

Chad: early attack, and uhm you been in coma for two days...

Me: let's go

We rushed and changed into our wolfs...My wolf is slighter bigger now, and has silver lines in it. Chad and Caroline were in awe. We quickly got to the field where I search for my mate. My wolf need assurance that he is fine! We cannot lose him, not to these dumb rogues!

We were soon attacked, but there stood no chance, I was fast, 10 times more stronger and I had the ability to cause pain using just my eyes, apparently one of my many new qualities. One includes ability to heal, even silver. Peak of being a white wolf, we are immune

I knew that I shared this with Austin, so I quickly link with him

Me; Austin, listen we got some extra power, you will feel surge of energy pass through, we can cause pain using our eyes, we are much faster and stronger. We can also sense danger, most importantly we can transfer certain energy to others, if we sense they are in danger and it won't drain us! Let beat up these beast!

Austin: thank hun! let's! For our families!

We continue to fight when I felt Chad energy depleting, he was in a prowl with a black wolf, seem his the alpha

Me: Chad, be careful his Alpha blood, I am transferring some energy use it to escape! His mines and don't argue! I am your alpha female( using my authorize voice)

Chad: fine Jen! But if you need my help, I am your beta!

Me: thanks!

After passing on some of my energy, Chad made a quick move to attack other wolfs, while I launched and block the Alpha

He had evil smirk...his eyes spoken volumes

*You are dead*

*think again, I am your Alpha Female, and I ain't backing down, till I drain every last one of yous!*

Jake P.O.V:

Being Austin Beta, I had to cover till he and Jen could get back, although these rogues are slower than us, there were back up in numbers.

I felt some were even reluctant, as I figure it, I think some where wolfs from packs they killed...So it was either join them or be killed.

I would prefer death than suffer a life as rogue, it take your humanity away, no conscious, no mate and definitely no life. It all gone!

I feel sorry for them, but on the other hand, they have tormented us for years! They deserve their faith.

*Drake, need help, conner by three wolfs*

*On my way, just snap at them, they will hold off*

Just as one was about to launch, Drake intercepts, and take a huge bite. We take them out within minutes!

*thanks bro*

*no problem, let find Jason*

We search for Jason, we aren't able to link with him, so we were getting worried

*you don't*

*no, his fine..*

As we kept search we killed anyone in our path, what we encounter a sight that shock me to my core!

Jason wolf is on the ground, he bleeding heavy, and there two wolfs, trying to attack him!

I lose self control and grab one by the neck killing him instantly while Drake take on the other, just as quick.

We quickly check if Jason alright, Those stupid rogues has silver, that why Jason isn't healing as fast as he could

*Austin code silver, Jason done, we need med assistance ASAP*

*Tell him to keep his head clear...I got a plan*

I relay the info and Drake take him to a secure area, while I fight off whoever tries to come

Next thing I know, Jason is all heal up and ready for action

*Austin how?*

*it all jenny*

I could hear the pride in his voice, our Luna/Alpha female is the best!

The war surges on for few more hours, before the Rogues Alpha was killed by Jen.

She did it, stop them from taking her gift.

What we didn't anticipates, is what we would find when we got back to our pack house

Nicky and Ashley and few thousand young wolfs...

Definitely not from our Pack...Apparently they been doing some saving of their own!

Author note:

So stay tuned, to hear more about Jen and Austin and Hunter surprise at what his mate did?

What would be their reaction?

Plz comment and let me know

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Instagram: MIZSATHAR

Lots of Love


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