Chapter 39:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 39:

Hunter P.O.V:

My dear sister, I can't lose you, not after just finding you, hold on, I am coming

Me: How much further?

We were all running to the east border in our wolf form

Jess: half an hour, I know you worried, but we are making good time

We left already three hours ago, joined Moonstone, Beta Jake explained that Ashley mate is on his way, he better be here for my sister or I will rip his head.

All of a sudden, Jake and his mates stop, motioned us to be carefully, we carefully hide in the bushes and saw a group of humans, having a camp out, I thought it clear and wanted to sneak away, when I got sniff of blood, and it Ashley's!

I changed back into my human form, and it was agreed we don't know if they know about us, or why they got Ashley, so I am too investigated, but acting like a lost boy in the forest.

Me: Is anyone there? Hello?

A man who look in his mid-fifty approach

Man: Yes can we help?

Me: Thank god, I need your help sir, my sister and I got lost from our group, the Astrix, I can't find my sister sir...I can't, please you have got to help!

Man: the name Henry, I think we might have your sister, we found her badly hurt by salvage wolves, She seem to be recovering well though, come and see

Me: Oh my goodness, Ashley, it her! Hey Lil sis! Hey wake up!

Ashley: Hunter...

I mind linked to say she is fine and mustn't appear, the humans are innocent and were in fact helping us.

She seem to be slipping in and out of consciousness, after spending a night, they drop us at the nearest town, Jess, and one of my pack members was supposed to fetch us. But Drake came

Drake: Ashley, I love you so much, don't ever do anything like this again!

Ashley: oh Drake, I'm so sorry, I was so scared! I thought I would never see you again, it was terrible, I missed you!

While the two of them were reconnecting, I quickly phoned my parents to let them know all was fine and we will be home soon.

I receive a text from an unknown number

*Beware next time she will end up died, gives us the white wolf and all will be normal*

They will pay! They don't make threat against my family and get away with it!

Nicky P.O.V:

After returning from his road trip, Jake basically taken over reins while Austin take cares of things with Jenny, I could've been more prouder, to be his mate and friend. As the days passed, and he rein over started shaping the pack well, even my father was impressed and said Austin couldn't ask for a better beta and a mate for his daughter, when Ashley went missing, Jake blames himself, how much I tried to tell him it not, he simply won't listen

I guess he feels he let down his brother and his Alpha...

It been three-day since Ashley return, she recovering well, and thanks to Drake is healing really well, let just say he pampering her to make up for been going too long...But Jake still in a slump about the whole kidnapping business

Me: Dad, can we speak?

Dad: yes darling, what this about?

Me: It about Jake, he feels really guilty, and I was hoping maybe if you could talk to him and make him see reason his not to be blame

Dad: Darling I would love to help but only one who truly can help him is you, show him how well Ashley doing, and that they don't blame him

My father is right, but the problem is that Drake does blame Jake but not for her kidnapping rather for not telling him...

Me: hey Drake could I have a minute?

Drake: hey whatsup?

Me: It's about Jake...I know you angry at him, but his suffering, he feel really bad, just speak to him, don't give him the cold shoulder..

Jake: I don't need you fighting my battles Nicky, please stop interfering, I want to just be left alone! Got it

And he leaves, changing into his wolf and head for the forest

Drake: listen we will sort out our problems, just give him time to... before he could finish his sentence, I change into my wolf and go after Jake

Me: Wait! You can be a jerk to me I don't care! But don't feel guilty because it affecting your judgement, and I ain't a lovesick puppy I wasn't doing that for you, I was doing it for my pack, unless you forgotten it my family, they need a leader who accept making mistakes and learn! Not lose it on the first curve ball.

Jake: Nicky...

Me: No don't, you made me so proud and now you just push me aside and for what! Your wounded ego, just get over that guilt because no one blames you, especially not Drake or Ashley!

I decided I had enough of chasing after him, than I turned back and head home

Jake P.O.V:

After Nicky leaving, I reflected my actions, and realize she is right, but how I could let my own brother down, and my best friend, my Alpha...

I decided to check on Ashley, I haven't seen her since she been back, couldn't face her I guess...

She was asleep but looked much better.

Drake: You know she is right, I don't blame you neither does Ashley, and I'm just upset you didn't tell me...

Me: I'm sorry, really am, I was thinking of our Pack, it was a stupid move, just didn't want to worry you also, does she really not blame me...?

Ashley: I don't Jake, I actually owe you a big thanks, Hunter told me about the great search team you pull together, wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been found, we both forgiven you

Drake: She right's

Jake: Thanks (softly)

After talking for little more, I left the two lovebirds, they couldn't get enough with each other. And strangely it made me think about how Nicky and I used to be before this whole issue came, it time I pulled up my socks.

I plan on making it up to her but first I need to talk to her. If she will ever talk to me

I went up to her room to find her crying, I never seen this side to her, she was always the down to earth tough Alpha daughter and sister, always keeping it together, and I know it my fault. I feel like such a jerk!

Me: Nicky

Nicky: leave me alone!

Me: No! now it your time to listen! I just had it with you being so nosy and pushy, but also thank you, moon goddess had picked me a winner, you are stubborn and persisted, and you know why I am grateful because no matter how badly I did, you still with me, my past never changed your mind about me, we been friends before mates, and I am the most blinded man on earth, you mean more to me, and today I just realized there more, more to us, we are mated Nicky, and I need to see all of you, we need to share, need to be there, you always did your part, but like the idiot I never did, it now my time, I'm really sorry, really and I will make you proud of me again and I will always be here for you

At that moment we both made a promise to be there for each other, shared, cried and just being what we truly are and that best friends and mates.

Author note:

A totally tense chapter don't you think

Well more to come

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Lots of love


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