Chapter 13:

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My Alpha Mate is My Enemy Too

Chapter 13:

Austin's Pov:

The buzz and atmosphere around was amazing! After waiting another half an hour for the other two packs, I decided that we should just start off, when they come they can just join in.

The first task that needs to be completed is a field and track. Basically, it tests certain techniques that are used in the hunt and it also helps with co-ordination.

First two packs up were the Grassfires and the Laker Pack. Tristen from Grassfire was their best tracker, Hale was the best tracker from the Lakers. At the beginning of the challenge, they had to track a scent, which was one of a deer, then follow through right till the marking. Both of them were doing fairly well as we could barely see them bobbing around, the trees shuffling in their wake. Until there was a huge commotion from where they were last see. Being the Host, I rushed over there to see what was happening.

Jenny's Pov:

After returning from the Stark Pack, I was determined to help them. It was true what they say, once you know someone and their situation, you are more inclined to see things from their point of view.

In the days I stayed there, I had seen their need for more land, as well as, their need for more help to reconstruct a once lively community.

Hunter and his pack made me realize how fortunate we, the Moonstone pack, are in term of our ability to live a comfortable and peaceful life.

"Look I'm sure what I'm about to try and do is going to be hard, since both packs are at loggerheads, but I need to help them. It's the right thing to do," I said to my Father, after explaining what was happening and why I was kidnapped.

"I understand your logic, darling. But, is it worth it? I mean, can they be trusted? And what about their 'problem'? Won't it effect us if we side with them? Think of the pack, that's where your main duties lie, not only them," rationalized my father.

"I understand what you're saying , dad. But, this is not only about the Stark Pack. We could be next on their hit list. This Rouge Pack is like no other I have ever seen or heard about. This 'problem' ,as you put it could prove lethal for us in the long run. I'm trying to help secure our Pack from future damage. And, if we're fully prepared, I'm sure we can take them on. But, it is our duty to help a Pack in need. All I ask is for a chance to present a plan I have in mind. I need some time to go over the finer details, then, I will explain everything to you, and the pack. Trust me father, I know what I'm doing, "I finished with confidence.

After that meeting, I decided to go and see where April was. I need someone to talk to, it's been a helluva long day.

As I left, I noticed the date. It's been a week since I've been back! Impossible! It feels like just yesturday I was kidnaped! Suddenly, I felt that tug I'd been trying to avoid feeling, "We miss him. Phone him. I'm sure he'll forgive us and understand our plan and he'll help!" my wolf pleaded with me.

"I cannot involve him. I need to prove to myself I'm an Alpha female. I need to first gain confidence in myself, then I can approah him,"I told her.

"I need a plan, a strong strategy that will enable me to help them, yet also benefit us," I explained to April, as we both sat in my room. "Well, firstly, you need to realize that the building of houses for them would prove very costly, but if we use local muscle, we can reduce costs.. I'm more worried about these rouges. From what you're telling me, they've been terrorizing the Stark Pack and destroying their land. What are they after? Do they even know?" asked April.

"Uhm yeah. They want the white wolf. Since a white wolf was last born in that pack, they assumed it would be there again"I said softly.

"Are you frikken kidding me?! They want you! They're coming after you! What if they found out!? You could be in danger! We need to tell your father, immediately!"Said April.

"I told him the first night I was back. He's been aware of these sorts of rogues, but didn't realize they were here already. That's why, when I explained, he didn't challenge Hunter," I told her.

* Rouge Pack:

They are a pack of wolfs who have forsaken their human emotions. They tend to cause harm and destruction where ever they go. Legend states, that if they kill or make a white wolf join them, they would be unstoppable. But, till this day, this has not been proven.*

After another week of planning, we received Austin's tournament Battle invitation. I was so excited! I'm glad he's doing something! It made me feel less gulity for not speaking or contacting him.

I was afraid I might just break down if I saw him.. He was a safety net I did not want to use. I want to prove myself not only to my pack, but, my family too. This is a personal battle. He won't understand my fierce need to help.

My father suggested it would be best if we trained our best for this tournament, as it would help create a much needed distraction for our Pack. Everyone's been sort of on edge, since I told them of the possible dangers we could be facing. Everyone really did need a break

"I want to train as well!" I told Chad. He was one of our best fighters and made an excellent teacher. So, for the next couple of days, we trained and trained. I was getting pretty good. Especially with regards to my speed, which was my best advantage and would be my Alpha strength, a great help in the combat stages.

Day before tournament:

"Shit, we're already so late! I told you we should have skipped breakfeast," I said, grumpily.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Plus we need our strength for today's challenges,"said April.

April, Chad and I, along with three other strong warriors, were headed for Austin's tournament. I was uber-excited about seeing him, but I was also terrified. What if he didn't want to see me? And would he prevent me from entering the tournament? I certainly hope not.

As we drove past one of the sites for the Field and Track, a jeep drove alongside us. My instincts immediately knew it was the Rogues.

Luckily, Chad was with us. He managed to use some of his truly, astonishing driving skills. Swerving off the road and driving on the side of the the hilly, mountainous area, where their jeep would never have been able to follow! I think my wolf sent a distress call to Austin, because a few minutes later, he was there. We watched, relief sweeping through us as a pack of five wolves, Austin leading, attacked the jeep and the Rogues fled. Austin and the others let them leave, and helped us up.

Hundreds of thoughts were rushing through my head. They actually figured out who I was! This means it's starting.. I've got to tell Dad and warn the Pack! .. Oh my word, Austin's wolf was so amazing! I rolled my eyes at my wolf. 'Really? You think of that now?!' I chided her.

'Leave me alone! I called him! You'd rather have died?!' She scolded me.

I felt so relieved, so exasperated, annoyed and glad and a whole load of mixed emotions all at once.

"What, the hell, was that all about?! And you'd better not lie. I know you," he warned, his face straight. I gulped.

He called of today's practice, saying that there had been an attack and that everyone needed to make sure that they protect themselves and their Pack.

Well, I guess the tournament started off with a bang. Guess it can only get better, right? 

Author Note:


Instagram: MIZSATHAR

Lot of love


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