Chapter 38:

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My Alpha Mate is my enemy too

Chapter 38:

Austin P.O.V:

Me: Okay explain yourself?

Caroline: 15th century is the age of witches, but also supernatural creatures like weres started, an ancestor of mines, named Jeanette, cast the first spell so to speak. Since then people in my family or distant receive this gift, but it got a curse, each different attached with the power, for Jeanette curse is to be mated to a werewolf, while mines is to predict certain aspects of the future.

Jenny: how does this apply to us?

Caroline: Do you know the story behind being a white wolf?

Jenny: Aside from it being full of wisdom and powerful

Caroline: both are true, but it started with Jeanette mate Christopher, he was the first white wolf, and the reason she bestowed the gift is for them to be forever immortal, It's a wedding gift. But like most spells there was a curse that if she used her magic for personal gain she would lose something, and she lost her immortality and soon died after which made him go crazy from grief since no wolf can live without their mate, but the moon goddess decided that this white wolf could be a cure to his madness and gave him wisdom, he got through his grief, and made a promise that every white wolf after him, would gain this aspect, but also something else, it would only be release in the most strangest time, or under duress.

Me: what is it?

Caroline: I don't know, stories changed and not much is said about this special power, but I know from my prediction, it would be the greatest help with this war, there's another thing, That's the reason I asked you here...

Me: Yes, what is it?

Caroline: The two of you are exact replicas of my ancestors...And there a way for me to help one of you to become a witch...

Jenny: whaaat?

Me: oh...

Jason: You never mentioned that to me!

Caroline: I couldn't, I'm sorry, but before you think It's a simple procedure, There's a big uhm problem to it...If decided to go ahead, There's a chance that it could go horribly wrong...and someone might die....

Me: what! Then there is no way we are doing it!

Jenny: There's more isn't it?

Caroline: unfortunately yes, from ancient text I perused from small, if this risk isn't taken...All witches, and not only my family, could lose our powers, and it also would be the end to anything supernatural. Even wolves.

Jason and Me: What!

Caroline: I know It's a lot to take in, and I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but It's the truth, my texts never failed me, and I know I can do this spell, I can bet my life, but it's tricky and I can't force it on you, please, please think about it carefully, and when you have made a decision, I will be here.

Me: well we aren't, it's just too much of a risk, I can't lose you (looking at Jenny)

Jenny: Is there somewhere we can talk alone?

Caroline: uhm sure, my house, it on the left just down this path

Inside the house:

Jenny P.O.V:

Jenny: May I see your text?

Caroline: Sure, it's in Greek, but I will be more than happy to translate

After fetching, what looks like a big black book, it has been used a lot, and it did indeed seem ancient, she opened to the page that told of the process....

Caroline: It states that there shall be a time when two people who shares similarities to those of the past, shall face grave danger, one is a white wolf, their love shall be their barrier but their strength as well, a witch of this clan, is needed to cast a spell, allowing one of them to gain the gift of witchcraft, their curse shall be immortality with their partner, but if said spell fail, there shall be death on one of them, it shunt be forced, but if not done, a grave void is created, any mystical creatures shall be forever be lost.

Jenny: hmm....

Caroline: I got to ask, why you asked me here alone, why not in front of Austin...

Jenny: I love him, more than I care to admit at times, this decision cannot be made on impulses, which he is likely to do, also reason I asked you here alone, is to ask if there's any way you can like use your curse to predict the outcome?

Caroline: No sorry, I really tried especially when I realized It's the two of you, I got limitations...Sorry

Jenny: Don't be, give us some time, if we return before the next moon, you will have your answer

After leaving Caroline behind, I got back to the guys, and said it's time to head back, Austin asked what I wanted to know, I only told him about wanting to see the text. The trip back is filled with tension, it seems like we have brought more complication than solutions...

Before we got to my Pack, Austin asked for some alone time with me, We went near a river, that separates our pack ground

Austin: You want to do it right?

Jenny: Yes (softly) I love you, and I know the risks but it could help us..

Austin: Help! You kidding right, we could lose our lives, I...I could lose you! I can't! No damnit! We didn't even get a chance to enjoy a normal mating! Why in hell is it us that punished! We already got so much on our plate and now this!

Jenny: I know, I love you too but if we don't, we still die...

Austin: Fine than let's get married, let us mate today!

Author note:

Woah tension and complications.

Do you think they survive?

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