Chapter 41:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 41:

Jenny P.O.V:

It's my wedding day! I am so excited, and nervous and totally unprepared...I mean what do I say to the guy who means the world to me, how do I express my love, my deepest thoughts on what I believe our life will be...

From what I gather, Austin having the same problem, I can feel him through our mind link...he is as stressed as me.

Alpha Moonstone: Jenny, as a father we always dream of this day, to give our daughter away to a man, we feel she rightfully belongs to, although I feel it's to soon, I know and understand Austin's feelings, and in some ways agree, So I might be sad losing my daughter, but in actual I am gaining a son...

Me: oh daddy thank you, you will always be my first love

We hugged and he helped get everything ready, I didn't need to lift a finger, Austin made sure of it. That silly boy!

Me: Oh April, do you think I'm ready?! I mean what if I am not a good wife, what if I can't have kids!! What if I'm not a good luna and alpha female?! What if?!

April: hey calm down, firstly breath in and out, take one day a step at a time, you are powerful, we all can feel like, we known each other since kindergarten, trust me when I say this, you are a natural born leader. And with Austin by your side, he will never steer you wrong!

Me: I can't believe you going to be a mother, and I am going to be a time has flown

April: I tell you! Remember when we were still making blond plans about how our mates would be and stuff, I don't even think half of what I said will happen (sigh)

Chase: and my dear wife what would that be?

April: oh you know bungee jumping, going on romantic strolls, being carried to bed..etc etc

Chase: I can arrange that

And he picked her up bridal style and carries her way

Those two! I am so happy they found each other, perfect fit, like Austin and me...Would he do that..

*Yes I would and I would kiss you everyday and tell you how much I love you* mind links Austin *come down, I want to see my bride*

I was nervous as I walked down , but as soon as I set my sight on my man, everything just disappears, nothing else mattered, but my handsome mate

Dressed in a black suit, with tie and all. His hair gelled and well kept, his eyes brimming with tears of joy, just make my heart pound faster, he looked like someone who stepped out of a magazine, everything so perfect, and all mines.

Our vows:


Austin, our meeting is fated, but the path we lead down is our choice, my choice in marrying you today is my promise to love, cherish and spend every day making you the happiest man alive, I might not be a good cook or housewife, but when I make you a meal it will be with love and careful preparation, I can't wait to start a family, to have little Austin's run around, because I know our kids will definitely have their father's looks. I love you for you! Not some bond or faith, I love you so much, that no matter what the future holds, I know you will always be my first for everything.

His vows:

My love, my jenny, our faith is intertwined but not our plans, my duties will always be putting you first and I'll always be the man you deserve, I know I'm not perfect, I may lack certain things, but I promise that everyday I will bring my best foot forward, my love for you stem far deeper, my wolf and I love you so much, it hurts to be away, and to me you are my perfect partner, my perfect match. I shall always be there to protect you and our pups, and I know without reason that they shall have their mothers heart, because She's the most selfless person I know, I take our oaths seriously and I plan on proving it with whatever faith has in store. I Love you!

After we were pronounced husband and wife, we had a quick gathering of our families, everyone wishing us all the best for the future.

My sister in law Nicky is the first in line

Nicky: My dear lovies, what you two guys did today, made us happier than you can ever imagine, welcome to the family Jen, thanks for being my brother's better half

Austin: hey! Squirt I am good you know, and we love you too

After tearful exchange with our parents we entered our garden, it was magical..

There was twinkle lights and lanterns with different colors placed over the trees, they had a make shift dance platform, and had an amazing band playing music, everything is sprinkled with silver and white dust, everything looked amazing

Me: did you do all this?

Austin: everything of the best for my bride

We danced, laughed and rejoiced with our families, as the night dragged I couldn't wait to complete our mating, and I knew Austin felt it too

Both our parents gifted us with our own place, between the two packs, so after saying our goodbyes we rushed to our new home

It was breathtaking, they did it up with such creativity, the lounge had a cute fireplace, the bedroom is made up in beautiful warm colors, and a huge bed, seeing it made me blush, thinking of what's to happen...

Austin P.O.V:

After saying our vows I couldn't believe my luck being married to such an amazing woman, Jenny is my everything, I know I am sounding like soap opera but I can't help it.

When I saw the look of utter happiness in my bride's face, it made all the hard work pay off.

As we took the dance floor I couldn't help notice how she's so tiny, gentle and soft, her lips look amazing, I couldn't wait to feel them against mines.

After supper I couldn't keep my wolf in anymore, he wanted to mate with Jenny and has been patient considering the time, after saying our goodbyes we rushed to our new home. A gift from both our parents.

It looked amazing, but I couldn't concentrate on the decor, but rather the warm body next to me.

Me: Jen, my love, come here

I gather in my arms, holding her tight, slowing realeasing the pins from her hair, letting it flow through my fingers, next I took her face into my hands and sofly kissed her, she tasted like fresh rain and strawberries.

Things got a little heated, and I slowly kissed the spot between her neck, the spot where my mark will be showing everyone she is mines. I asked for permission before biting into her neck, she moaned softly and held me tight..

She's amazing, so patient and understanding, we quickly made it to the bed, where I removed most of our things, we just kept kissing and showing our love, that's when it happened, we joined and completed the most beautiful thing in the world.

Me: I love you so much jen

Jenny: I love you more

Afterwards we just relaxed in each others arms, and talked before we fell asleep, it is the most magical night of my life

Author note:

Wow intense, what did you guys think?

I know the little "scene" isn't to grand but I tried.

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Lots of Love


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