Chapter 36:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 36:

Natasha P.O.V:

After driving us to the nearest city, we got off and got into a local motel, It's a quiet town, and seemed to be rich in history.

So I decided to explore, the others were tired so I went alone, it was still early and I doubt anything could happen.

Entering a museum, it had stories of past folk that lived around here, that's where I came across wolfs, to be precise werewolf's

I was intrigued after seeing that wolf in the forest, I got all the info I could gather, and rushed back to the motel, before the others noticed I was gone.

What I didn't know is I was tailed, by one of the wolf pack.

Hunter P.O.V:

Me: She what?

Zayn: yeah she's researching on us, She visited that museum in town

Me: Well she won't find much, let her be for now, but if she keeps snooping, interrupt it. She can't know now..Atlest for a little while

Just than my office phone rings:

Me: Hello it's Hunter

Ashley: Hey bro, got a second, I need to ask something?

Me: sure?

Ashley: Did you know about the rogues being a part of your pack, and be honest please?

Me: No, but father told me after Jason, a friend of Drake confronted him, they were kicked out because they were ruthless, it was before me..

Ashley: thanks, that's all I needed to know, tell mom and dad I will visit shortly, and bro don't tell anyone I called okay.

Me: you sound frightened are you okay?

Ashley: yeah I'm peachy, you remember that one summer we went to the lake, just thinking about it, love you

Me: lake? What? Ashley?

That's weird why would she mention we went to a lake, we never grew up together...unless

"Rogues", "Don't tell Drake" "Remember the summer" it's all warnings!

She's in trouble!

I quickly phoned and got a hold of Jake.

Jake: Hello

Me: It's Hunter, is my sister in trouble?

Jake: how did...yeah she's been missing for few hours now, we got no trace on her.

Me: Tell me is there a summer lake where you went as kids?

Jake: Yes that's on the ridge why?

Me: she's there, send a troupe and Drake we will find her.

Jake: Drake doesn't know..uhm and he's not around..but I will come

So after making arrangements, with both our packs we headed down to the lake, hoping we not to late

Please be alright Ashley, I cannot lose you again!

Author Note:

Clever Hunter, Do you think they will find Ashley?

And what about Natasha? Will the digging into wolves open her to a world she thought was just fairy-tales?

Stay tuned to find out! 

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Lot of love
Shaaira Sathar

My Alpha Mate is My Enemy TooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora