Chapter 21- Bigger and More Viscuos

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I wake up and I realize I'm not in my own room I look at the time and it's currently eleven AM.... I'm supposed to be at school!

I get up and remember that I was at Ash's house and I'm about to leave when I realize that I'm not even wearing my clothes.

I walk into the kitchen to see Ash sitting there with a book and a bowl of cereal that he had finished.

"Umm... good morning," I say to Ash to get his attention.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" he asks me genuinely.

"Fine but why didn't you wake me up for school?" I raise an eyebrow looking at him waiting for his answer.

"Since you won't go to a therapist about the stuff I'm making you stay home this time," he says emphasizing the stuff.

"Yah but I need to be able to get into a good college but I can't do that when I'm missing school," I whine at him.

"You miss school when you do your fights what difference does it make when you miss actual school," he says looking at me with a 'are you serious face'.

"Well that's because I black male this smart kid to hack the school thing and change it whenever I miss school because of fights," I mumble to him.

"Are serious," he looks at me disbelievingly.

"Yah and nobody ever notices so it's fine. Can we move on to a different subject please," I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" he asks me.

"I don't know I thought you'd be able to change the subject causally...," I say trailing off awkwardly.

"This is why you don't have any friends Lolly," I smack him on the head as I walk by to grab some food.

"Owwwwwwe," he rubs his head and he glares at me and I just smile innocently.

I grab some cereal and pour it into a bowl with some milk. I grab a spoon then I walk over to the table that Ash is sitting at and I eat the cereal.

"What time are you planning to leave?" He asks me as he looks at the time.

"I don't know but I think I have a fight today at one so I'll be leaving probably in a hour ," I say as I look the time too.

"Well let's not waste the precious time and let's have some fun," he pulls me away from the table.

"Nooooooo my food," I whine.

"You can finish it later get dressed in this outfit and don't worry it's from my cousin and I saw she is about the same size as you," he tosses the clothes to me.

"Convenient," I mumble quietly.

I walk into the bathroom and I put on the clothes. It is a white crop tube top with a sweetheart neck, white draped skirts hat goes about mid thigh, and a black leather jacket.

I walk out of the bathroom and glare at Ash, "I know you know that I would never wear this."

"Yah but you look hot in it," he compliments me and I blush but turn away so he doesn't see me.

I go and grab the shoes I was wearing yesterday. Luckily I decided to wear my black high top converse so it doesn't look to bad with the outfit but I'm not saying that I'll wear this outfit again. This outfit looks like something Madison would wear. Except some how should would make it look sluttier then it already kind of is. I wouldn't be surprised if I walked into the ring and if a few guys started to cat call me and Diego would probably just be amused. If he ever spoke about it to anyone I will probably punch him in the nose. Yes, I may be violent but I'll try my best to do minimal damage. I hate being reminded that I have worn a dress and or a slutty outfit. It makes me question my sanity.

Anyway Ash decides that he will drive my car because he wants to see one of my fights since he hasn't been to one in a while and also because I have a fight. So I'll end up driving him home but it's okay.

"So where are we going?" I ask him.

"It's a surprise," he tells me as he backs out of his driveway.

"I hate surprises," I whine like a little kid.

"I know. That's why I said it," he rolls his eyes and I just huff with annoyance.

After about fifteen minutes we arrive at the zoo. There's barley anybody here except a few little kids who haven't started school yet and their parents.

"I don't want to be here," I look at a family whose little girl is getting her picture taken next a tiger statue.

"I know you remember coming here. It was your favorite place and you had promised everybody that you would work here someday," he laughs reminiscing.

"I haven't been here since the thing," I say pointing at the zoo.

"I promise you it will be fun. Please just this one time," he begs with puppy eyes.

"We are only doing this because I'm a nice person," I get out of the car and walk towards the entrance not caring if Ash is near me or not.

"I knew you would come around," he yells a little bit since he is farther behind.

We walk into the zoo and Ash pays for both of our entrance tickets. We walk in and first get something to eat quickly because we are both hungry. Then we just walk around looking at the different animal exhibits and once in awhile taking a few photos.

When I had first drove past here I had gotten a few memories back. Such as whenever we would come here we would take a family picture by the tiger statue at the entrance. At one point I had wanted to become I think it was a lion tamer because I thought it was the coolest thing in the world but quickly got over that when I found out I could work with wolves. They are my favorite animal of all time and nothing can change that. They really remind me of dogs if they were bigger and more viscous.

"What you thinking about," I Ash stops walking and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Just stuff," I say and shrug my shoulders continuing to walk.

"What kind of stuff," he says in a 'duh' tone.

"Memories," I finally say.

"I thought you hated memories because at one point you said 'memories just waste space in your head and that space could be used to accomplish so much more in this world'," I just roll my eyes and choose not to reply.

"Guess what were coming up to," he pints at something and I look in the direction he points at.

The wolf exhibit.


Sooooo I was supposed to post this yesterday... I'm a mess... help. Also today I just took a PSAT and no I'm not in 11th grade I'm in 10th but I took it because I had the option to do it. Also it wasn't that bad but it wasn't that great but now I have to wait for my results and I wished I could get them right away but that's not how the world works. Ok I'm done ranting... sorry. Anyway I love you guys so much and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Byeeeeeee!

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