Chapter 48- Tipsy

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I pretend to think about my answer already knowing I'm going to just down another cup but when I glance at Bo something in his eyes tells me to risk it. I fight the urge to saying yes but the memories and scars on my body flood my mind. Without answering, I grab my cup filled with distasteful beer and down the whole thing in a few seconds.

"Come on Layla you have nothing to be ashamed of," Bo comments.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" He asks concerned.

"Something I'm not currently comfortable sharing." I reply.

He nods his head as if understanding what I'm saying but I can only imagine what is running through his head. A lot of people's thoughts at first is usually I cut and I don't want to show my scars. Sadly it's not that. It honestly would make thing so much less complicating.

I grab another ping pong ball and of course completely miss. Bo and I continue to play and we do some stupid stuff like being dared to act absolutely high in front of some random person. It was actually pretty funny. I also got to know a little bit more about Bo and I'll admit maybe a little to much.

Finally, Bo has three cups left with only two dares and I have two cups with one dare left. Bo is currently drenched in beer after the last dare and keeps on complaining about being stick and soggy. While I'm doing almost perfectly fine besides the fact that I have sharpie on my face. I can only imagine what Bo drew on my face but I couldn't care less right now as I'm to drunk.

It is also Bo's turn again and of course he makes it easily into the cup with my last dare. I pick up the dare and read out loud to him.

"Give your partner a lap dance," I slur a little bit but as soon as it registers in my mind I start to laugh.

Bo must of found a chair that was near by, while I was laughing, because once I could control myself he was sitting in one of those uncomfortable fold up metal chairs. Without thinking I pretend to act as seductively as I can and walk over to him. Then I start to grind myself on him while touching my hair and glancing at him once in awhile.

I'm the middle of my dance someone clears their throat so I look up. I blush at the realization that someone caught me giving Bo a lap dance. The face in front of me doesn't register, since I'm to tipsy.

"I'm guessing you're enjoying the party then," the person laughs but it seems to come out bit bitter.

From my hazy sight I see Bo clench his jaw and moves me to stand, "Fuck off."

"I would gladly fuck your girlfriend," the person laughs again.

I feel my face get even redder as I act like I'm not listening to their conversation.

"Why such the mad look?" The person jokes.

"I would be willing to slit your throat right now if I didn't have any consequences," Bo says through gritted teeth.

The guy goes serious for a second, "Go fucking ahead."

Bo tenses for a second but gets up then walks away leaving me behind with this person that I'm having a hard time recognizing. I try squinting my eyes to figure out who he is but it just makes my vision worse.

"What are you looking at pipsqueak?" the guy snaps at me.

I recognize that nickname... but who says that. I stand there thinking my face blank while I try my hardest to remember who calls me pipsqueak. I end up just making a headache come out of nowhere so I hold my head in hopes that it will help. Of course though it doesn't subside the pain.

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