F o u r

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Juvia's POV

"W-what?" Juvia looked at all of them with a confused expression.

"I-if that's what you want'' I heard Gray-sama mumble. Juvia smiled.

"Anyways!" He suddenly stood up "I-I'm going outside so I'll see you around"

Juvia watched as Gray-sama walked out of the room, closing the door loudly behind him.

Was he mad?

"Don't mind him Juvia, he's just a tsundere" Juvia heard the pink-haired man chuckle.

"What's a tsundere?"

"Someone who acts tough to hide his real feelings" He grinned.

"Juvia doesn't quite get it but okay" Juvia nodded her head unsurely.

"Anyways the only person's name you know here is Gray so we'll introduce ourselves to you" The blonde-haired girl smiled.

"Oh that's right! Where are my manners?" The little girl with dark blue hair blushed and bowed her head in apology.

"It's okay" Juvia waved her off.

"I'm going first!" The pink-haired man exclaimed "I'm Natsu Dragneel, nice meeting ya Juvia!' He held out his hand which Juvia took and shook politely.

"I actually have a blue cat with me but he went looking for fish with Carla" He scratched his neck.

"Oh um it's okay"

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia" The blonde-haired girl introduced herself "I can tell we could be best friends Juvia!" Juvia chuckled and nodded her head.

"Juvia thinks so too!"

"I'm W-wendy Marvell. It's nice meeting you Juvia" The little girl with blue hair smiled shyly.

"Nice meeting you too Wendy-san"

"Now that we're done with the introductions, let's get to the important part" Natsu-san said with a serious expression. Juvia gulped.

"Juvia" Lucy-san sighed "I know that everything seems weird but you have to trust us okay?"

"And don't panic" Wendy-san added.

Juvia took a deep breath and exhaled softly "Juvia can't promise you anything but okay, I'm ready"

"You see uh well how do I put this?" Natsu-san sighed.

"We're mages Juvia" Lucy-san interrupted.

"Hey!" Natsu-san was about to complain but one look from Lucy-san and he immediately shut up.

"Mages? As in people with magic?" Wendy-san nodded "You have one too Juvia" She smiled.

Juvia has powers? That's a joke right?

"B-but h-how do you know that?" Juvia stammered out "Do you know who Juvia really is?"

"It's a but complicated but we kind of do" Lucy-san squeezed Juvia's shoulder in a comforting manner "The reason why you were unconscious for three days-"

"Three days?!" Juvia gasped. Lucy-san nodded "Yes Juvia. You were unconscious for three days"

"And that's because a dark guild is looking for you to team up with them. They were able to find out that there was a survivor of the Water Tribe" Wendy-san continued.

Juvia just looked at them in shock.

Everything makes no sense.

"What happened to the town? The bakery?" Juvia immediately asked. Natsu-san smiled.

"We were able to save them so they're probably doing okay but we had to take you away, sorry about that"

Thank God.

"But why are they looking for Juvia? What do they want with her?"

"They want your power" Wendy-san stated "They're going from town to town, destroying guilds and forcing mages to team up with them" Her brows knitted in anger.

"They can steal magic" Natsu-san said bluntly "They killed your tribe and so are other towns. And now that they know you're alive, they probably changed their minds and want you to team up with them''

"Juvia would never do that!" Juvia exclaimed.

"We know" Wendy-san smiled softly. "Besides killing your tribe, they also made other towns think that it was your tribe that ruined theirs in an attempt to make people join them and make them believe they're fighting for justice"

Juvia gasped, horrified.

What kind of people would do that?!

"What guild is doing all this?" Juvia asked.

They all looked at each other before sighing.

"Phantom Lord" Natsu-san replied. Juvia gulped.

"Don't worry too much though. We'll protect you" Lucy-san smiled reassuringly.

"B-but how can Juvia get her powers out? A-are you sure, you got the right person?"

"Yup. A poison infected your system and though it was the normal poison, it would've taken you at least two weeks to wake up and only a week if I healed you right away but you just managed in three days. Usually, only water mages can do that" Wendy-san explained

Juvia just looked at her with big eyes.

"And look at your wound, it already healed" Lucy-san pointed at my right arm. Juvia immediately checked and removed all the bandages.

Juvia expected to see a scar but to her surprise, not even a scar was found. Her skin was still pale and not a sign of a wound was shown.

"You're right" Juvia whispered.

"Anyways you should probably get some more rest. We'll call you once dinner is ready" Lucy-san smiled. Juvia made no complaints and just nodded. It was true that she was exhausted from all that's happened today and a good nap would probably put her mind at ease.

But dinner? Juvia didn't even realize it was night time.

"Thanks for today" Juvia smiled.

They all smiled back at Juvia before leaving the room.

Juvia just sighed exhaustedly and laid back down the soft mattress. Juvia still can't believe that everything they said was real.

It seems like it was only yesterday that Juvia woke up from her small house and went to the bakery to buy some bread. Everything seemed so peaceful at first but now...

Now she's not even sure if she can go back to that peaceful life anymore.

Juvia looked at her palm absentmindedly.

And to think that she can control water. Everything seems so surreal.

"Oh well, that's how life is. Juvia has no choice but to just go with the flow"

Juvia sighed before closing her eyes and drifting off to dreamland.


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