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Juvia's POV

"Minna!" Juvia huffed out, holding her knees in support "Lucy-san! Wendy-san! Natsu, Happy, Carla wake up!"

"J-Juvia? What's the matter?" Lucy-san came out of her bedroom door and yawned sleepily.

"Man, your voice is so loud. Keep it down will ya? I was just having a real nice dream" Natsu-san rubbed his eyes drowsily and crossed his arms "What's the matter Juvia?"

"Guys we have to get out of here fast! Gray-sama and Juvia ran into a bunch of them in the woods!" Juvia told them immediately.

"What were you even doing in the forest with Gray in the first—" Before Natsu-san can finish his sentence, Lucy-san cut him off.

"Are you talking about the Phantom Lord mages?!" Juvia nodded.

When the words left Juvia's lips, it felt like the temperature in the room suddenly dropped to a few hundred degrees.

Wendy-san and the exceeds came out of the bedroom with glum expressions on their faces.

"They must've found out our location already" Natsu-san gritted his teeth.

"Well what is everyone waiting for?! Move it people!" Carla-san yelled. Everyone nodded and started going back to their rooms in quick steps, packing their bags as fast as they can.

"B-but wait! What about Gray-sama?!"

"You don't have to worry about him. He'll meet up with us in no time" Natsu-san grinned.

"But how will he know where we are?!"

"Trust me on this" He winked. Juvia was uneasy but pushed back the dread feeling piling on her stomach. She has faith in Gray-sama. She just has to trust him on this one.

"Alright everyone let's move it!" Lucy-san yelled.

We all left the inn in hurried paces but instead of using the nearest exit which was located on the far right of our floor, we went straight to the exit on the back of the inn.

It turns out the nearest exit leads to the front lobby so we had to take the longer route instead.

Once we reached outside, we ran straight to the opposite direction of the woods.

"B-but we can't just leave Gray-sama in there!" Juvia looked back to the woods and immediately stopped in her tracks.

"Juvia-san, Gray will be alright. It's okay" Wendy-san said reassuringly, placing a hand on Juvia's shoulder.

W-what if he's hurt?! Or he's been captured?! Juvia can't live with that!

"Minna! You go on ahead! Juvia will go—"

Before Juvia can finish her sentence, a sudden chill crept up her spine and it was definitely not because of the cold. Her head began to hurt and it felt like a barrier to her subconscious was broken down.

A voice that wasn't hers began to speak inside her mind.

Run. I'll meet up with you. Just run.

"What the hell?!"

"Juvia! Are you okay? What's wrong?!" Lucy-san's eyes were wide with worry.

"J-Juvia just heard Gray-sama's voice!"

"His voice? What?" Happy-san raised a brow "Can Gray do telepathy now?"

"Man Gray didn't tell me that!" Natsu-san huffed out in frustration.

Or maybe it was just Juvia's imagination. She was too worried about Gray-sama that his voice magically popped out in her mind.

Her head began to throb again.

"O-ow!" Julia clutched her head in pain.

"Maybe it's the poison? But I was sure I got it out" Wendy-san stood next to me and brought her palm to Juvia's forehead.

Her eyes closed and a bright green light glowed from her palm.

It felt warm, almost soothing but it wasn't enough to ease the pain from Juvia's head.

"It's not working!"

Stop fighting it you idiot! It took me at least 5 minutes to do this! I SAID RUN!

It's Gray-sama's voice again. Is this for real?!


Yes, Juvia it's me! I want you to loosen up the walls in your mind. Don't think. If you keep resisting my power, the pain will just grow.

Juvia followed Gray-sama's instruction and cleared her mind of any thoughts. Just as he said, the pain began to vanish until it was completely gone, her head felt fine once again.

Gray-sama are you okay?!

Yes I am. Stop wasting my efforts to buy you guys time to escape! A lot more are coming!


And don't tell the others that I can communicate with you like this!

But why?

Just do it!

The sound of hooves running brought Juvia back to reality.

"Hey guys! Nastu and I found a cool carriage we can use!" Happy-san grinned as an old carriage stopped in front of us.

"Nice work you guys!" Lucy-san beamed.

Sitting on the horse was Natsu-san covered in the hood of his cloak "Climb on!"

Juvia didn't hesitate to get on. It was a typical commoner's carriage that's used to carry supplies. Inside was two rows of seats, both on left and right and an old white curtain was draped on the opening so people outside won't be able to see us. Only the guy maneuvering the carriage can be seen, and in our case, it was Natsu-san.

Juvia didn't bother thinking how or when Natsu and Happy was able to take the carriage, she just sat on the right with Wendy while the exceeds and Lucy sat on the left.

A second later, we were moving.

"Is your head okay?" Wendy-san asked me worriedly. Juvia just gave a smile and nodded.

"What was that about you hearing Gray's voice anyways?" Lucy-san asked. Juvia gulped.

She remembered Gray's words.

"And don't tell the others that I can communicate with you like this!"

"Oh um Juvia really did hear Gray-sama" Juvia replied.

"What?" Carla raised a brow.

Juvia sighed and fiddled with her fingers.

"Er that's what she thought but it was probably just her mind playing tricks on her" Juvia faked a smile.

"You okay now?" Happy asked. Juvia just nodded.

"How about your head? Does it still hurt?" Wendy-san asked.

"No. Juvia's fine now. It was just so sudden haha, Juvia didn't even know why her head hurt"

She looked at Juvia uneasily but after a while, chose to shrug it off.

"Maybe you just need more rest. And don't worry, Gray is strong. He'll catch up with us" Lucy-san offered Juvia a reassuring smile.

Juvia smiled back.

It doesn't feel like Gray-sama is still on the link so he must've been busy taking care of those mages.

Hopefully, he's safe.

Juvia looked back at Lucy and the others before leaning her head on the side of the vehicle and closing her eyes.


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