T h i r t y- s i x

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Juvia's POV

"You mean Wendy is the Sky Sorceress?" I asked, amazed.

"You didn't know?"

Juvia blushed.

"Juvia didn't want to look clueless in front of that nurse." I pouted "But what do you think happened to her mother?"

Gray-sama shrugged.

"Who knows?''

Right now, we were walking back to the palace. A carriage would've been much faster and easier but we decided that it's better to walk than spend unnecessary expenses.

"Is that them?"

"Yes, I heard that's what they looked like.''

"Wow, they must be powerful mages. Just look at them."

"But where's the rest?"

"Maybe they're just exploring?"

"Haha yeah."

"Do you think they're a couple?"

"It looks that way."

"Wow, the guy is such a hottie!"

"That girl is a total babe too."

Juvia blushed.

"Great, the king didn't even introduce us but somehow, people know our identity." Gray-sama sighed.

"Yeah, we became pretty famous even though we didn't do anything." Juvia smiled "I feel like we don't deserve it sometimes but the palace is the safest place for us right now."

Gray-sama didn't answer.

"It's just a little further ahead, right?''

Juvia turned around, facing Gray-sama.

"You mean the palace?"

Gray-sama nodded.

"Yeah. Once we cross the stone bridge over there," Juvia pointed at the bridge "the gate entrance would be there."

"Alright, you head back first."

"What do you mean? Do you have to go somewhere?" Juvia asked.

"Yeah. I just remembered I forgot to buy something."

"What is it?"

"Um, cheesecake."

"Cheesecake?" Juvia raised a brow in suspicion "Juvia didn't think you were the type to like sweets, Gray-sama."

"No," Gray-sama blushed "it's for a friend."

"Really? Who?"

Is Gray-sama is buying cake for a girl. Is she his crush? Someone close?

He just smiled, "You'll meet her tomorrow."

So it is a girl.

"She's coming to the palace?"

Gray-sama nodded "Yeah. I'll head back as soon as I'm done, I swear.''

"Juvia will go with you." I offered.

"No need. You head back first. It's dangerous for you to be here."

Is Juvia being a nuisance?

Gray-sama must've noticed the slight change of expression on my face as his feautures softened.

"Don't worry too much. I'll just get the cake and head back." He smiled, placing a hand on my head.

The Lost Heiress (A Gruvia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now