T w e n t y- s i x

351 19 1

Natsu's POV

"Natsu, where's Gray and Juvia? I've been looking everywhere for them!" Lucy asked me worriedly.

I spit out the whiskey I've been drinking.

"Hey man, watch it!"

I bowed my head in apology to the guest before turning back to Lucy.


"Yes and the ceremony is about to start, don't tell me Gray bailed out again. Did he?"

"I'll go look for them outside"

"Be back soon, okay?"

I nodded.

The moment I got out of the ballroom, I immediately ran to the garden as fast as I could.

Gray and Juvia together is a disaster. Everyone knows that mating season is like hell itself especially when you're not mated yet with your other half.

"Gray! Juvia! Where the hell are you?!" I shouted.

This stupid garden is too damn big! How the hell am I supposed to find them?!

I tried checking behind trees and bushes but there was no trace of them.

Where the hell are they?!

Suddenly goosebumps started creeping up my arms and a soft, feminine, almost child-like sound spoke in my head.

Run straight and turn right, you'll find the girl.

I froze and looked around me.

"Did I imagine that?" I muttered to myself.

If you don't want your friend to cause a commotion, I suggest you follow me

"Who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed.

There's no time. Run straight, turn right. She's hiding behind a bush.

I was still doubting whether I should follow what the voice said or not but it's now or never.

Just like she told me, I ran straight until I saw a path opening up the right where I saw a bunch of angel statues covered in vines.


"Juvia! Juvia are you— "

I tried checking the bushes in the area to see if she was there but to my dismay, found no sign of Juvia at all.

Did she lie to me?


I immediately turned around.


She was shaking uncontrollably. A look of horror in her eyes.

Just what on Earth did she see?

"Juvia, what happened?!"

"G-G-Gray-sama s-suddenly started acting strange and turned into a wolf!"

"Do you know where he is now?"

"N-no, J-Juvia was hiding from him!"

"I think it's best if you get inside first" I took hold of her shivering hand and began helping her up.

"Natsu-san something's wrong. That wasn't Gray-sama back there, wasn't it?"

"Everything's gonna be alright, okay? Whatever you saw back there, yes that wasn't Gray. You know that Gray will never scare you like this."

She nodded "I-I know... "

"Look" I sighed "Everything that's been happening, I'm sure Gray has a reason for his actions. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. He's a good guy and he will never ever do anything to harm you. It's just that this time, he needs our help. He may not say it but Gray is in pain"

"Gray-sama is in pain?" She whispered to herself "A-and the thought never occurred to me... "

"Natsu-san this is my fault!"

"This isn't your fault Juvia, don't blame yourself"

I am never ever ever letting Gray out of my sight again.

"If anything, I am to blame. I've known Gray the longest and I wasn't there for him when he needs me— Juvia are you listening to me?"

Her face went as pale as a corpse.

"He's here"

I raised a brow.

"How on Earth do you even know that—"

"Natsu-san duck!"

Juvia immediately jumped in front of me just when I saw a blur of grey pass by us in a flash.

"Shit I'm so sorry! Juvia are you okay?!"

"I'm fine"

My eyes widened when I saw droplets of red fall of of Juvia's back.

"Fine?! You're injured!"

"It's just a scratch, it will heal" Juvia smiled "More importantly, we have to do something about Gray-sama"

The large grey wolf bared its fangs at us before growling again.

"Gray, what the hell?! You just injured Juvia!" I yelled to the wolf.

His reply was to growl louder and run towards us.

I quickly jumped into action and threw a fireball at him. It did little to stop him but it gave me and Juvia enough time to hide behind the angel statues.

"I will distract him as much as I can, alright? I'll try to give you an opening and once I do—" I grabbed one of the injections Gray told me to use in case of emergencies from the inside of my tux and gave it to Juvia "—I want you to inject this to him"

"W-what's this?"

"No time to explain but it will help Gray return back to normal. Just please trust me"


"Then that settles it"

I left my hiding spot and faced the large wolf.

"Alright buddy, looks like it's time for me to give you a vaccine"

Looks like my little attack made him even more pissed because if he was just growling at us a while ago, this time I can clearly see the bloodlust from his crimson eyes.

He's really trying to kill us.

I shook my head "No Natsu, he just needs help. This isn't Gray" I reminded myself.

I rolled my shoulders and sighed "I always wanted to spar with you again but I didn't imagine it would be like this"

I grinned "Once you're back to your senses, let's have a real one, alright?"

He lowered his head and observed me, snapping his jaws, just like when a predator is stalking its prey. He's preparing for a fight. And he sure as hell making it obvious that he wants to make me his dinner.

"I'll take that as a yes" I cracked my knuckles and for the first time in my life, I actually feel a tiny bit excited to be able to face an opponent as powerful as Gray again.

"Oh I so can't wait to beat your ass"

And we clashed.


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