T w e n t y

424 19 2

Gray's POV

As soon as we reached the empty room, I fell on my knees and clutched my chest.

"Gray what the fu-"

"Get the injection on the drawer now!" I yelled to Natsu.

I felt my bones cracking which I desperately tried to stop. Fur started sprouting out of my back, and my teeth and nails started to elongate on their own.

Ours! Get her back! She's ours!


I felt a needle prickle my skin and not a few minutes later, I returned back to my original self, panting and laying down on the carpeted floor covered in sweat.

"What the hell just happened to you?" I looked at Natsu with tired eyes and sat up, groaning.

"Whatever you do. You must and absolutely not let me see Juvia tonight"

"Is this related to what just happened now?"

I nodded.

"You know how you dragons get mates right?" Natsu's eyes widened.

"Yeah it's mating season for dire wolves" I answered.

"S-so you're telling me that Juvia- Juvia is your mate?!"

"Pretty much"

"So how long did you know this for?!"

"It was one of the days when she was unconscious and we just saved her from the attack on the village. I felt this strange pull towards her but I couldn't comprehend why" I stood up and sat on the bed.

"I had a guess but I still couldn't believe it so I shrugged it off" I sighed "I guess yesterday gave me enough evidence because the mate bond is starting to have its toll on my system"

"And since it's mating season, her scent will become even stronger and it would be a miracle if I can even control this beast. Wolfsbane works but if I still don't know if it will function if Juvia is there"

Natsu just stood there, gaping.

"How about you just bail out on the dinner party?"

"Unfortunately I can't. I have a business with a friend tonight"

"About what?"

I grinned "A person who's been spying on Phantom Lord"

"How about I'll just go to that person in your place? What does this person look like anyways?" Natsu suggested. I shook my head.

"Forget it, you won't be able to recognize that person. Nobody can tell if she's even gonna go there herself or not"

"But how about you?"

"I'll just finish my business, exchange some pleasantries and excuse myself away. I can't stay with you guys for long anyways and you know that"

Natsu stiffened "I'm sure the others will understand. It wasn't your fault anyways. It's not like you wanted this"

"Natsu, once they find out who I am and what I've done. Do you think they'd want to accept me?"

"We've been separated for many years Gray! The man I considered my brother!" He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with eyes of despair "I can't bear to lose you again"

I removed his hand and smiled sadly "I'm a murderer Natsu, who'd accept someone like me?"

"I don't my care if you're a murderer!" Natsu argued "You're my friend! Comrade! Family! A brother that I've never had! Gray please" He pleaded.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Natsu. If I ever go with you, I'll just put all of you in danger. After Phantom Lord is defeated, I'm going back to my old life" I stripped my now torn shirt and grabbed a new pair from the enormous cabinet.

"But how about Juvia?"

I paused for a split second but turned to face him. He didn't seem to notice my hesitance.

"Why? What about her?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"I've been observing you for the past few days. Gray, do you have feelings for Juvia?" Natsu said seriously.

"Me?" I chuckled humorlessly "She may be my mate but you know that even if I do love her, she can never be mine"

"She's the lost heiress to the water tribe Natsu, the tribe which I thought took part in killing mine because of Phantom Lord" I gritted my teeth "If only I had known sooner that they were innocent, I wouldn't have gone out and try to kill her"

"I have no right to love her" I smiled sadly.

Natsu remained quiet and I'm glad he didn't ask more. I don't wanna talk about her. After all of this is over, we'll go our separate ways and I'd never see her again.

I injected another dose of Wolfsbane on my body and brought some for extra measures. Natsu still remained silent.

Finally, he spoke. But it was faint, so faint you would've thought he was whispering to himself but because of my heightened senses, I heard it.

"I-I know how you feel"

I raised a brow.

"I like Lucy"

I smiled "I know dumbass, I can tell from the way you look at her when you feel like we aren't looking"

He gaped but after a few seconds, shook his head and sighed.

"But I know we can't be together. She's a princess and soon, she will rule this kingdom and marry her prince Charming" He made a tsk sound with his tongue.

"Even so, I can't stop loving her. I've been planning to confess but... " He scratched the nape of his neck, looking down the ground with a flustered face.

"Go for it" I answered.

"W-what?!?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I said go for it" I crossed my arms "Before it's too late. This is your chance. Go tell her"

I bet she likes you too anyways.

"If I'm gonna confess then you should too!" Natsu frowned "You should also tell Juvia how you really feel!"

"I'm not a pussy like you. I'm gonna tell her soon" I smirked.

"You bastard"

"Whatever. I don't wanna deal with this love shit anymore, have a drink with me. We both need it"

"You're right" Came his reply.

"Don't get drunk loser. We have a party to attend tonight" Natsu chuckled "Is that a challenge?"

"Nah. We can have that later. Right now, let's just chill"

Natsu put his arm over my shoulder and we both bro fisted each other before going out the room to have some drinks.

We'll discuss about romance later. Right now, all we need is a bit of alcohol to help us ease our jumbled thoughts.

F*cking love is so complicated.


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