T h i r t y- t h r e e

302 15 4

Juvia's POV

"Well, what do you think? Good, isn't it?" I smiled while slurping the noodles from the bowl "Good thing we skipped breakfast, this food is amazing!"

"This was what you wanted to do? Go eat ramen for breakfast?" Gray-sama sighed while continuing to chew the slices of pork from his ramen.

"You'll pay of course" Juvia grinned.

"I regret this" Gray-sama grumbled in defeat after we swallowing the meat.

"Juvia always wanted to do this with friends but Lucy-san is always so busy with her duties, Wendy-san is always trying to brew new medicine, Natsu-san is always with Lucy-san and Happy and Carla are always missing" I pouted.

"So I'm the only one available?" Gray-sama crossed his arms "Hey, my time is valuable too you know?"

"Of course it is!" I agreed "You'll be teaching me magic after all this after all!"

"Using up your second wish already? That's fast"

I gulped down the last bit of broth in my bowl before replying.

"You said so yourself" I wiped my mouth with a napkin "Your time is limited so Juvia will spend the whole day with you!"

"The whole day?" He repeated "As in the whole day?"

What? Does he already have plans?

"We'll be back before night falls though" I added.

"Oh" He sighed in relief "Then that's fine"

Am I just getting in the way of his plans?

"Do you have somewhere to go? We can stop by there before you help me practice" I offered. He shook his head.

"No. I don't have anywhere to go. It's just that... " He looked at me in the eye.

"It's dangerous after the the sun sets''

Huh? What happens at night?

"Is it?" I raised a brow "I suppose a lot of crime happens" I said, pretending to be oblivious.

What is he hiding?

"I mean, a lot of bastards show up at night. Like those who tried to harass you. You should be careful" He warned.

Speaking of those three guys...

"That's right. I've never seen them again. Did they run away?" I thought, placing a finger on my chin "It's kind of odd though. Juvia thought they'll he back for their revenge or something"

"Who knows?" Gray-sama shrugged, casually eating the food in front of him "I haven't seen them either"

"That's strange... "

Did they run away? Juvia didn't think of them as the type to easily back away from that incident. Perhaps they got intimidated by Gray-sama...

Juvia scanned Gray-sama's features.

Hey may be handsome but he's also proved himself to be quite powerful, making him a threat to others. They might've sensed that Gray-sama is an opponent they can't easily defeat. I mean, Gray-sama is pretty scary. If Juvia didn't know him, I'd probably also avoid him at all costs.

"Hey" Gray-sama snapped his fingers.


"Stop thinking about them. You ordered more dishes right?"

"I almost forgot about that!'' I chuckled "But yeah, I ordered many more. Let's eat to our hearts content, Gray-sama!" I said enthusiastically, pumping my fist in the air.

"Easy for you to say, I'm the one paying" He said, deadpanned.

"Hee hee"  I grinned and patted his shoulder "I'm counting on you, Gray-sama"

"Here's your steamed buns, two servings of oden and ingredients for the shabu-shabu" The old waiter smiled while placing all the said food on the table.

"Wahhhhhh" I looked at all the dishes in our table lovingly, my mouth drooling just from the smell.

"Y-you ordered all of this?" Gray-sama asked in disbelief, his left eye twitching.

"Actually" I scratched the nape of my neck "Juvia ordered more—"

Gray-sama raised a hand, indicating for me to shut up.

"T-This is everything right? You didn't order anything else?"

Juvia just smiled and didn't reply.

Lucy's POV

"GAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I threw all the papers into the ground "I can't do this! I need a break!"

The door opened and a familiar pink-haired man who's been with me all day entered.

"I brought you some tea" Natsu said with a smile and placed it on my desk.

"Thanks" I took a sip of the freshly brewed tea "Wow, this is surprisingly good. Did you make this?"

"Course not" Natsu admitted "One of the maids made it"

"I've never tasted this before. Maybe it's new?"

"Does it matter?" He raised a brow.

"It does to me" I continued taking a sip of the delicious liquid.

"Anyways, are you sure you want to continue helping me?'' I asked "It's pretty unusual of you''

"I've got nothing better to do" He shrugged "And it looks like you need help"

I blushed "T-Thanks I appreciate it"

"Oh, I almost forgot" He sat on the chair in front of me "The guards told me they found no trace of any weird magic around the area of where we were attacked"

"What?" I raised a brow in disbelief "Was it purely coincidental?"

"It's winter time and there are a lot of wild animals around the area" Natsu said as a matter of fact "Some even handles magic. I'm sure the beasts who attacked us were one of those types"

"But why inside the palace? What do they want?" I clasped my hands together, deep in thought.

"T-They must've been attracted because there were a lot of guests and thought they'd have easy prey?" Natsu smiled sheepishly.

"Why are you thinking so lightly of this?" I raised a brow suspiciously "It won't be that easy to get past the guards and the attack happened out of the blue"

I finished my cup of tea before standing up "I'm tightening the security even more. I'll just go talk to the head of the guards"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Natsu offered

I shook my head "I'll be back soon anyways. You stay here and help with my paperwork, alright?"


"Oh and—" I looked back at Natsu "Prepare yourselves tomorrow, the Fairy Tail guild is coming" I smirked.

With that, I left the room and proceeded to walk towards my destination.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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