S e v e n t e e n

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Juvia's POV

".... we're willing to help you stop Phantom Lord. Do you know any more mages that can help?"

"I know a few but I don't know their current location" Natsu-san replied.

"Phantom Lord has destroyed many guilds and kingdoms. The Heartfilia could be next. We need to finish this before it's too late" Lucy-san's father said grimly.

Lucy-san stood up "Father, by the way... "

"What is it Lucy?" Lucy locked eyes with me and smiled

She motioned me to stand up which I did "Dad, I know this may came out as shocking but... "

"Juvia is the last survivor of the water tribe"

Lucy-san's father dropped his fork back to the plate, creating a loud echo sound in the room.

"I thought the water tribe has been wiped out completely" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Um... " Juvia cleared her throat "I-I'm still learning how to control my powers. I also just found out recently"

"I know someone who can help you" Wendy-san smiled and looked at Lucy-san.

"I have a celestial spirit that possesses the same magic as you. I'll ask her to help you" Lucy-san replied.

Juvia nodded.

"This is great!" The king gave a bright smile and immediately stood up, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Including the maids and servants standing in the corners "I have long been planning my troops to bring down Phantom Lord. Tomorrow night, I will announce this to the other kingdoms. Other than just a ball to welcome you back Lucy" He looked at Lucy-san with soft eyes.

"I will also take this as an opportunity to create an alliance and prepare for a battle that Phantom Lord won't see coming. If we want to bring them down, we have to take them by surprise. I'm tired of seeing other tribes and kingdoms fall because of them. It is my duty as a king to ensure my people's safety"

The dinner continued on with endless chatters and plans on how to stop Phantom Lord. King Jude was delighted to have me but in all honesty, I felt scared.

What if I'm useless in this battle anyways? What if I can't control my magic?

All sorts of thoughts went inside my head.

"Here Juvia you should try this" Lucy-san gave me an expensive looking bottle. I looked at it and raised a brow.

"What is it?" Juvia asked.

"It's wine. It's tastes really good too"

"Does it have alcohol—"

"Oh Juvia! That drink is pretty good! You should try some" The king laughed, it was obvious that he was drunk by just looking at his pink-tainted cheeks and careless actions.

So it does contain alcohol.

"Let me pour it for you" Lucy-san smiled and started pouring the bottle of wine on a gold goblet.

"Wait Juvia can't drink—"

"Here" Juvia looked at the goblet- filled wine with unease.

"Juvia doesn't know her tolerance to alcohol" Juvia replied.

"Oh it's very light. I have a friend before, her name is Cana. She can drink this for hours and she never gets drunk" Lucy-san gave me a small pat in the shoulder and gave me the goblet "I mean, you won't know your alcohol tolerance if you won't drink alcohol" She shrugged.

Juvia sighed "Alright fine, but just a bit"

(A few hours later)

"Cheers to the return of the lost princess!" Juvia exclaimed, raising another goblet of wine.

"Cheers!" Natsu-san and king Jude both said in unison and raised their goblets too.

I finished my drink and was about to get another bottle when Wendy's hand stopped me.

"Juvia I think you drank too much already" She said worriedly.

"It's okay! Juvia is completely—" a strange feeling crept its way into my stomach "I feel sick!"

And this tight corset isn't helping!

"Do you want me to heal it for you? I won't be able to fully remove the alcohol instantly though"

"Yes please!" Wendy-san nodded and placed a palm on Juvia's stomach. She closed her eyes in concentration until a bright green started glowing.

The sick feeling slowly started to fade away....

But the tightness of the corset is still there!!

"Thank *hic* you!"

Why is Juvia hiccuping?

Wendy-san gasped "I must've performed it wrongly! This hasn't happened before!"

Juvia raised a hand "It's *hic* o-okay *hic*"

Wendy stood up "Wait here. I'll brew up something for you really quick!"

Juvia stood straight and gave a salute like a soldier "Y-yes *hic* mam! *hic*"

Wendy-san dashed out of the room.

Juvia looked at the dining table. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

Wendy night even take long so why not take a walk?

My legs felt wobbly but Juvia was determined to go out.

She walked several long strides with the help of placing her hands on the walls when she feels like she's about to fall.

She finally saw a door leading to the outside and opened it.

Drops of snow started falling from the night sky. Juvia looked up.

Whoah! There are so many stars!

"I w— *hic— wonder if Juvia can catch *hic* one" Juvia mumbled to herself.

My body feels so hot!!

Juvia stepped outside and closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the cold but pleasurable feeling of winter.

"Ahhhhh~ Much better" Juvia signed contentedly.

"Grrrrr.... " Juvia opened her eyes and almost jumped when a large grey wolf was walking up to her.

Is this the effects of alcohol?

"Where'd *hic* ya came *hic* from? *hic*" Juvia asked.

The wolf replied by showing his fangs at me eeeep!

"Now, now.... Don't bite *hic* Juvia! Be a good boy and sit!" Juvia ordered.

The wolf let out a sound similar to a snort. Wolves can snort?

"I'll tell you to *hic* Gray--s-sama! H-he's very *hic* scary!" Juvia pointed at the wolf and frowned.

The wolf let out a growl. Juvia jumped back.

"Sorry! *hic* J-Juvia didn't *hic*" mean t-to anger you!" The wolf only stared at Juvia with its deep red eyes.

Juvia stared back.

Juvia can't breathe.

This corset is so tight and Juvia feels so hot!!!

Juvia started fanning herself.

Suddenly an idea popped into her head.

Juvia looked at the wolf. Perhaps it can help me remove the corset. He has sharp teeth that would be enough to break the laces.

"Mr. Wolf" Juvia called out since she doesn't know his name "Would you please help me get this corset off?"


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