E l e v e n

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Juvia's POV

Lucy-san's father seemed scary at first but I guess it was a mask after all. He couldn't show any signs of weakness especially because he bears the burden of an entire kingdom in his shoulders. But after we did our introductions, he— I guessed couldn't contain his happiness and gave us his warmest smile and deepest gratitude for bringing his daughter back.

He admitted that he may have been a terrible father to Lucy-san in the past but when she left, it was when he realized just how much he regretted his actions. He was completely devastated when Lucy-san disappeared and now that she's back after years of searching for her, he wants another chance to make it up to her.

Now that the long lost princess of the Heartfilia kingdom was back, the king planned to throw a ball as soon as possible to celebrate her return which will be held tomorrow night along with guests from other kingdoms.

We were invited too of course. The king wants to properly congratulate us and that is why he considered us as important guests of the kingdom and that we can stay as long as we see fit.

"I'll escort you to your room, milady" A middle-age maid bowed politely before beginning to walk through the long corridors.

Juvia followed her until we came to a stop in front of a big double door room. The maid opened it and Juvia was immediately taken back and gaped.

The room was humongous! There was a queen-sized bed that looked too glamorous for Juvia, a victorian style vanity mirror with all kinds of make-up and jewelries, a closet that contained all kinds of fancy dresses, big windows draped in red flowy curtains that gives me a great view of the kingdom, oh and a balcony too! And another door which I'm guessing leads to the bathroom.

"T-this is too much" Juvia mumbled unconsciously and she heard the maid giggle from beside her.

"Are you a mage?" She asked.

Juvia has powers anyways but she just can't make it come out yet. So that still makes me a mage right?

"Um yeah, Juvia guesses so" I shrugged. The maid smiled "Your way of speaking is cute"

Juvia blushed "Sorry, it's a h-habit— Is it weird?"

The maid shook her head "Of course not deary! It makes you a hundred times adorable!" Juvia's faced reddened even more. The maid chuckled.

"Do you have a boyfriend dear?" Juvia shook her head "Juvia hasn't been in a relationship before"

"Oh. Then whoever will have you would be very lucky. You're very beautiful and sweet"

Is it possible to blush even more? Because I think it just happened to me.

"D-do you know where J-Juvia's other companions are staying?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Not all but I do know the raven-haired man is staying just two doors to your left"

She must be talking about Gray-sama.

"Oh okay thanks"

"I'll be in the kitchen if you ever need me. I've already prepared a hot bath for you and you can wear any dress you want in the closet. The bathroom is right there" She pointed at the door on the far right.

Juvia nodded and the maid left.

Juvia decided that it would be better if she took a bath first to wash off the dirt and grime in her body. It's been days since she's had a bath after all, she must've smelled awful.

Juvia headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind her before stripping from her clothes and lowering her body to the warm water in the large tub.

The water eased her aching muscles and relaxed her head. Juvia sighed contentedly and closed her eyes.

She sunk lower in the water before the thoughts of recent events flashed in her mind.

The town. The bakery. Her home.

Does she even have a home anymore? She discovered she was a mage only a while ago and to think she was a survivor of the Water Tribe.

She doesn't even know if she can believe this.

Juvia lost her adoptive parents when she was twelve. They were nice people and treated Juvia like their own daughter. Juvia doesn't know who her real parents were or who she was, she's been told she was diagnosed with amnesia and was retrieved from a forest, unconscious.

When her adoptive parents found her, she found a new sense of purpose. She was taken into their home when she was a 10 years old child. They taught her everything they knew and acted like her real parents. Everything used to be perfect.

What she didn't know that they were also very sick people. They took her in because they couldn't have a child of their own. The moment they laid eyes on Juvia, they knew they had to take her in. When her adoptive father died from an illness, everything went downhill.

Her mother was so grieved struck that she cried for months until she couldn't think straight. She didn't eat and when she did, she'll only take a few bites and return back to her room again.

She'll always cry herself to sleep every night. Juvia did everything she cold to make her happy again but it wasn't enough. Worst comes to worst, a few days later, she caught an illness and died.

Only two months after the husband died, the wife followed.

It was like the heavens were also weeping down upon them because from the very first moment her father died and to the events that followed soon after, the skies wouldn't stop pouring.

The town she lived in was then given a new name. The rain village.

She doesn't know if it was a coincidence or not but when the wounds in her heart slowly began to heal, the rain also lessened and lessened until eventually— when she got sick of crying and once again found happiness in the village, it stopped.

Juvia sighed again.

The warmth on her face feels so nice...



Juvia opened her eyes to realize that her head was submerged underwater the whole time she was coped up in her own thoughts.

She screamed.

But it was pointless because her voice was muffled by the water and somehow she could breathe even when her head was completely submerged.

Juvia can breathe underwater...

Juvia immediately sat up, her blue locks leaving droplets of water dripping back on the tub.

"J-Juvia can breathe underwater... " Juvia mumbled, too stunned of what just happened to even think clearly.

She breathed in a big gulp of air.

The door clicked and a raven-haired man Juvia know all to well entered the room.

The moment Gray-sama's eyes landed on Juvia's naked body, he quickly looked away, embarrassed. Juvia caught a glimpse of red crept it's way into his cheeks.

"E-everyone was looking for you! Get dressed woman geez!" He exclaimed while looking away from her.

Except that right now, Juvia didn't care. She wanted to tell Gray-sama her new discovery!


But before she can even speak out the words properly, the heat of the water must've made her feel light-headed because the next thing she knew, she fainted.

"Juvia!" Were the last words she heard before slipping away into unconsciousness.


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